milkshakes from the blender

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Quote of the Moment
Accept what people offer. Drink their milkshakes. Take their love.
Wally Lamb.
I'm not entirely sure of the context, but I think it predates the "my milkshake brings all the boys in the yard."

Journal Entry of the Moment

Video of the Moment
Goofy yet information rich video: Behind the Typeface: Cooper Black. The typeface "for far-sighted printers with near-sighted customers". It amazes me how many typefaces and fonts there are out there sometimes.

Sage Advice of the Moment
kirk: man, i'm getting some stuff done and i still have plenty of time for more, but i really feel like i'm pissing the day away...
LAN3: hehe. I like to do that on Sunday, though I was given an open invite to call a cute woman if I'm going to see a movie today, so I'm tempted to get up and go far far earlier than I normally would.
kirk: w00t!
kirk: but i do have a cold, and i could theoertically say i'm 'recovering' from the party-hardying last night.
LAN3: hehe. You don't need an excuse to piss away a Sunday. It's what people do.
--March 28 2004. I find great solace in that line "You don't need an excuse to piss away a Sunday. It's what people do."