September 6, 2013

Apple testing phones up to six inches. Half a foot of screen is too much for a phone for me, but one of those 4.8" models sounds just about right. I was a skeptic about the larger sizes til I interacted with a friend's S3... so not too excited about next week's event but have high hopes for 2014.
To master debugging, you must expect to find bugs. If somebody reports a bug, you should accept it. The natural state of code is to have bugs.

Some things quoted in Hank Lentfer's "Faith of Cranes: Finding Hope and Family in Alaska". (I had a small personal connection to the book, in that Riana and I were lucky enough to be borrowing one of the book's character's car in Gustavus)
Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted, but getting what you have, which, once you have it, you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known.
Garrison Keillor
Wilderness represents in space what the Sabbath represents in time-- a limit to our dominion, a refuge from the quest for power and wealth, an acknowledgment that the earth does not belong to us.
Scott Sanders
The opposite of faith is not doubt; it is certainty.
Anne Lamott
Worry is like praying for what you don't want.
I've been trying to wrap my head around those last two in particular.