November 20, 2013

Holy Video Compilations...

What you don't realize is that the abyss gazes into you even when you're not looking.

Becoming is better than being.
Carol Dweck

"Herodotus, writing in the fifth century B.C., reported that the ancient Persians used a version of Sloan's techniques [of breaking overnight for reconsideration if consensus was reach easily] to prevent groupthink. Whenever a group reached a decision while sober, they later reconsidered it while intoxicated."
Carol Dweck, "Midset: The New Psychology of Success"
I had heard this fact in college but had forgotten who it was about.
Current favorite lifehack: open a recalcitrant pistachio by insert the edge of another shell as a wedge, and twisting. (Note: the lottery ticket store on the corner sells 100 calorie packs of pistachios.)