May 22, 2015

Today's Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal:

The typical child entering kindergarten has a vocabulary of fourteen thousand words. To put that into perspective, a child is learning a new word every two hours of every waking moment. Without trying.
William Alexander, "Flirting with French", about struggling to master a language as a 57 year old.
I'm not sure I fully agree with "without trying", though.
"Middle age is that perplexing time in life where we hear two voices calling us, one saying, Why not? and the other, Why bother?"
Syndey J. Harris.
Which reminds me, if I'm going to do that "every man should read Don Quixote three times" (as a young man, in middle age, when old - I should find the source of the admonition, it's stuck with me since high school) I should probably suck it up and do that one of these years.
Upstairs neighbor confirms the smell is probably pollen, not cat pee. So... hooray?