import pphys2d.bodies.*; import pphys2d.joints.*; import pphys2d.shapes.*; import pphys2d.phys2d.raw.collide.*; import pphys2d.phys2d.raw.strategies.*; import pphys2d.phys2d.raw.forcesource.*; import pphys2d.phys2d.util.*; import pphys2d.phys2d.raw.shapes.*; import pphys2d.*; import pphys2d.phys2d.raw.*; import pphys2d.phys2d.math.*; int PREGAME = 0; int GAME = 1; int POSTGAME = 2; int gamemode = PREGAME; int score = 0; PPWorld world; Hammer h; Diamond d; HashSet bees = new HashSet(); void setup(){ size(500,500); textFont(createFont("",24),24); world = new PPWorld(); h = new Hammer(); d = new Diamond(); world.add(h); world.add(d); } void draw(){ background(128,128,255); if(gamemode == PREGAME || gamemode == POSTGAME) { drawPregame(); } // if(gamemode == GAME || gamemode == POSTGAME){ world.draw(this); showscore(); h.draw(); int addcounter = 0; Iterator i = bees.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ Bee b = (Bee); b.draw(); if(b.move()) { addcounter += 2; } } h.move(); while(addcounter > 0){ addBee(); addcounter--; } // } if(gamemode == GAME){ score++; } if(d.getX()< 0 || d.getX()>500 || d.getY() <0 || d.getY()> 500){ gamemode = POSTGAME; } } class Diamond extends PPBox{ Diamond(){ super(30,30); setRotation(PI/4); setPosition(250,250); setDamping(10); setRotDamping(10); setFillColor(new Color(255,255,255)); setStrokeColor(new Color(0,0,0)); setImageAlpha(200); } } class Hammer extends PPBox{ Hammer(){ super(40,40); setFillColor(new Color(128,128,128)); setStrokeColor(new Color(0,0,0)); setRotDamping(5); } void move(){ float deltaX, deltaY; deltaX =( mouseX - getX() )/5; deltaY = (mouseY - getY() )/5; setVelocity(getVelocityX() + deltaX,getVelocityY()+deltaY); setVelocity(getVelocityX()*.99,getVelocityY()*.99); } void draw(){ strokeWeight(2); stroke(0); line(getX(),getY(),mouseX,mouseY); } } void mouseClicked(){ if(gamemode == PREGAME || gamemode == POSTGAME){ resetGame(); } } float BEESIZE =20; class Bee extends PPCircle{ Bee(){ super(BEESIZE); setDrawable(false); } boolean dead = false; float counter ; float wingoff; void draw(){ strokeWeight(2); stroke(0); pushMatrix(); translate(getX(),getY()); rotate(getRotation()); noFill(); ellipse(-3,-3+wingoff,15,15); ellipse(3,-3+wingoff,15,15); if(dead) {fill(128); } else { fill(255,255,0); wingoff = sin(counter+=.3)*5; } line(0,0,-BEESIZE/2,-BEESIZE/2); line(0,0,BEESIZE/2,-BEESIZE/2); ellipse(0,0,BEESIZE,BEESIZE); line(-BEESIZE/2,0,BEESIZE/2,0); line(-BEESIZE/2,BEESIZE/4,BEESIZE/2,BEESIZE/4); popMatrix(); } boolean move(){ if(dead) return false; float deltaX, deltaY; float mul = 2; if(getX() < d.getX()){ deltaX = 1; } else{ deltaX = -1; } if(getY() < d.getY()){ deltaY = 1; } else{ deltaY = -1; } setVelocity(getVelocityX() + deltaX*mul,getVelocityY()+deltaY*mul); if(isTouchingBody(h)){ // world.remove(this); // return true; dead = true; return true; } return false; } } void addBee(){ Bee b = new Bee(); float a = random(PI* 20); b.setPosition(250+(400*cos(a)),250+(400*sin(a))); world.add(b); bees.add(b); } void resetGame(){ score = 0; world.clear(); h = new Hammer(); d = new Diamond(); world.add(d); world.setGravity(0,0); world.add(h); bees = new HashSet(); gamemode = GAME; for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++){ addBee(); } } void showscore(){ fill(0); rectMode(CORNER); textAlign(CENTER); text("score:"+score,0,0,500,50); } void drawPregame(){ fill(0); rectMode(CORNER); textAlign(CENTER); if(gamemode == PREGAME){ text("BEEBASH\n\nthe bees! the bees! they're trying to steal your precious diamond. use your yoyo hammer of justice to fend them off - but bee warned for every one you kill two bees shall rise up to take its place\n\nclick to play",50,100,400,400); } else { text("BEEBASH\n\nthe bees! the bees! they stole your precious diamond.\n\nclick to play again",50,100,400,400); } } void drawPostgame(){ } HashSet keysDown = new HashSet(); void keyPressed(){ this.keysDown.add(this.keyEvent.getKeyCode()); } void keyReleased(){ this.keysDown.remove(this.keyEvent.getKeyCode()); } boolean isKeyDown(int keyCode){ if(keysDown.contains(keyCode)) return true; return false; }