String samplename[] = { "ds_kick_big_amb.mp3", "ds_kick_big_low.mp3", "ds_kick_dry_click.mp3", "ds_kick_dry_wood_beater.mp3", "ds_snare_tight.mp3", "ds_snare_tight_comp.mp3", "ds_brush_snare_dry.mp3", "ds_china.mp3", "ds_cross_stick_rim.mp3", "ds_doumbek_slap.mp3", "ds_kick_thunder.mp3", "ds_loose_skin.mp3", "ds_loose_skin_mute.mp3", "ds_brush_snare.mp3" }; import ddf.minim.*; Minim minim; AudioSample sample[]; float squareSize = 20; int currentNote = 0; int currentX, currentY; int grid[][] = new int[16][16]; HashSet bugs = new HashSet(); boolean virgin = true; void setup() { size(320,320); minim = new Minim(this); sample = new AudioSample[samplename.length]; for(int i = 0; i < samplename.length;i++){ sample[i] = minim.loadSample(samplename[i], 2048); if(sample[i] == null) { println("couldn't load "+samplename[i]); } } frameRate(30); textFont(loadFont("Aharoni-Bold-20.vlw")); for(int i = 0; i < sample.length; i++){ bugs.add(new Bug(sample[i])); } } void mousePressed(){ if(currentX >= 0 && currentX < 16){ if(currentY >= 0 && currentY < 16){ if(grid[currentX][currentY] == 0){ grid[currentX][currentY] = currentNote + 1; } else { grid[currentX][currentY] = 0; } } } } void mouseMoved(){ currentX = floor(mouseX / squareSize); currentY = floor(mouseY / squareSize); } void draw() { background(204); if(virgin){ fill(255); text("DRUMDOTS 0.1",100,100); text("this is a noisy toy",100,140); text("so press space to start",100,180); return; } strokeWeight(1); stroke(128); for(int x = 0; x < 320; x += squareSize * 4){ line(x,0,x,height); } for(int y = 0; y < 320; y += squareSize * 4){ line(0,y,width,y); } fill(0); for(int x = 0; x < 16; x++){ for(int y = 0; y < 16; y++){ if(grid[x][y]!= 0){ char off = (char)grid[x][y]; off--; char c = 'A';//+off; c += off; text(c,3+x * squareSize, -3+(y+1) *squareSize); } } } strokeWeight(2); stroke(255,0,0); noFill(); rect(currentX*squareSize,currentY*squareSize,squareSize,squareSize); Iterator i = bugs.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ Bug b = (Bug); b.move(); b.draw(); } } void keyPressed() { if(key == ' '){ virgin = false; } int keynum = key - 'a'; if(keynum < 0) keynum += 32; if(keynum >= 0 && keynum < sample.length){ sample[keynum].trigger(); currentNote = keynum; } } void stop() { // always close Minim audio classes when you are done with them for(int i = 0; i < sample.length;i++){ sample[i].close(); } minim.stop(); super.stop(); } int counterMax = 10; class Bug{ float x,y; float xspeed, yspeed; AudioSample audio; int counter; Bug(AudioSample audio){ = audio; x = random(width); y = random(height); xspeed = random(-5,5); yspeed = random(-5,5); } int drawred = 0; void play(){ audio.trigger(); drawred = 10; } boolean gotit = false; void move(){ x += xspeed ; y += yspeed; if(x <= 0){ play(); xspeed = abs(xspeed); } if(y <= 0){ play(); yspeed = abs(yspeed); } if(x >= width){ play(); xspeed = -abs(xspeed); } if(y >= height){ play(); yspeed = -abs(yspeed); } if( abs(mouseX - x) < 10 && abs(mouseY - y) < 10 ){ if(! gotit){ play(); xspeed = (mouseX - pmouseX)/ 10; yspeed = (mouseY - pmouseY) / 10; gotit = true; } } else { gotit = false; } } void draw(){ strokeWeight(2); stroke(0); fill(255); if(drawred > 0){ fill(255,0,0); drawred--; } //print(x); ellipse(x,y,squareSize,squareSize); counter++; } }