import ddf.minim.signals.*; import ddf.minim.*; import ddf.minim.analysis.*; import ddf.minim.effects.*; boolean virgin = true; float SCREENSIZE = 400; float GRAV = .1; float PULL = .1; HashSet pullers = new HashSet(); HashSet flies = new HashSet(); ;// = new HashSet(); float health; spider s = new spider((int)SCREENSIZE/2,(int)SCREENSIZE/2,null); lin zlin = null; AudioSnippet fxchomp; AudioSnippet fxover; AudioSnippet fxswing; void setup(){ frameRate(40); size(400,400); Minim.start(this); strokeWeight(2); putPullers(); textFont(loadFont("AkbarPlain-20.vlw")); fxchomp = Minim.loadSnippet("chomp.mp3"); fxover = Minim.loadSnippet("over.mp3"); fxswing = Minim.loadSnippet("swing.mp3"); } void stop() { fxchomp.close(); fxover.close(); fxswing.close(); super.stop(); } void putPullers(){ zlin = null; pullers = new HashSet(); pullers.add(new puller(SCREENSIZE/4,SCREENSIZE/4)); pullers.add(new puller(SCREENSIZE/2,SCREENSIZE/4)); pullers.add(new puller(SCREENSIZE*3/4,SCREENSIZE/4)); pullers.add(new puller(SCREENSIZE/4,SCREENSIZE/2)); pullers.add(new puller(SCREENSIZE*3/4,SCREENSIZE/2)); pullers.add(new puller(SCREENSIZE/4,SCREENSIZE*3/4)); pullers.add(new puller(SCREENSIZE/2,SCREENSIZE*3/4)); pullers.add(new puller(SCREENSIZE*3/4,SCREENSIZE*3/4)); } boolean gameOn = true; int score; int hiscore = -1; void startgame(){ putPullers(); flies = new HashSet(); score = 0; health = SCREENSIZE; gameOn = true; virgin = false; } void draw(){ background(128); if(! gameOn){ fill(200); stroke(0); rect(130,250,160,50); fill(255); text("click to play" ,160,280); } if(gameOn && health <= 0){ if(! virgin){ fxover.rewind();; } gameOn =false; if(score > hiscore){ hiscore = score; } } if(gameOn){ health -=.8; if(random(0,100) < 3){ flies.add(new fly()); } } fill(255,128,128); stroke(128,0,0); rect(2,2,health,20); fill(255); text("score: "+score,20,20); if(hiscore != -1){ text("high score: "+hiscore,220,20); } Iterator it = pullers.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ puller p = (puller); p.move(); p.bounds(); p.draw(); } if(zlin != null){ stroke(200); line(s.fx,s.fy,zlin.p.x,zlin.p.y) ; } s.move(); s.draw(); s.bounds(); it = flies.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ fly f = (fly); f.move(); if(f.bounds()) { it.remove(); } f.draw(); if(f.hitSpider()){ fxchomp.rewind();; it.remove(); if(gameOn){ health += 80; score += 10; } } } if(! gameOn){ fill(255); if(virgin){ text("alienbill productions presents",40,100); text("a kirkjerk game",100,125); } text("MANSPIDER",150,200); if(! virgin){ text("last score: "+score,160,240); } if(virgin){ text("click to webswing rides on the leaf pods",20,220); text("collect flies for score and health!",30,240); text("a glorioustrainwreck",10,340); text("for poppenkast games!",160,360); } } } puller lastp = null; void mousePressed(){ if(gameOn){ puller p = findHotPuller(); if(p == null || p == lastp){ zlin = null; lastp = null; } else { fxswing.rewind();; //health -= 10; zlin = new lin(p); lastp = p; } } } void mouseClicked(){ if(!gameOn){ // rect(130,250,160,50); if(mouseX >= 130 && mouseX <= 130+160 && mouseY >= 250 && mouseY <= 300){ startgame(); } } } puller findHotPuller(){ Iterator it = pullers.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ puller p = (puller); if(p.isHot){ return p; } } return null; } class lin{ puller p ; lin(puller pp){ p = pp; } void pullSpider(){ s.xs += .005 * (p.x - s.fx); s.ys += .005 * (p.y - s.fy); /* if(s.x < p.x){ s.xs += PULL * distance(s.x,p.x); } else { s.xs -= PULL; } if(s.y < p.y){ s.ys += PULL; } else { s.ys -= PULL; } */ } } class fly{ float x,y, xs; fly(){ y = random(10,SCREENSIZE-10); if(random(-1,1) < 0){ x = -10; xs = 2 + random(-1,1); } else { x = SCREENSIZE+10; xs = -2 - random(-1,1); } } void move(){ x += xs; } void draw(){ stroke(255); fill(0); ellipse(x-2,y-random(0,2),5,5); ellipse(x+2,y-random(0,2),5,5); stroke(0); fill(0); ellipse(x,y,5,5); } boolean bounds(){ if(xs > 0 && x > SCREENSIZE+10){ return true; } if(xs < 0 && x < -10){ return true; } return false; } boolean hitSpider(){ if(distance(x,y,s.fx,s.fy) < 15) { return true; } else { return false; } } } class spider { void draw(){ stroke(0); fill(255,180,180); ellipse(fx,fy,20,20); fill(50); triangle(fx-10,fy+2,fx+10,fy+2,fx,fy+12); fill(255,180,180); noStroke(); ellipse(fx,fy+4,3,3); fill(0); ellipse(fx-3,fy-4,3,3); ellipse(fx+3,fy-4,3,3); } spider(int x, int y, String s){ // super(x,y,s); fy = y; fx = x; } float xs,ys, fy,fx; float sz = 40; void move(){ if(zlin != null){ zlin.pullSpider(); } ys += GRAV; xs *= .97; ys *= .97; fy+=ys; fx+=xs; } void bounds(){ if(fx < (sz/4)){ xs = abs(xs)*.5; fx = (sz/4); } if(fx >= SCREENSIZE - (sz/4)){ xs = -abs(xs)*.5; fx = SCREENSIZE - (sz/4); } if(fy < (sz/4)){ ys = abs(ys)*.5; fy = (sz/4); } if(fy >= SCREENSIZE - (sz/4)){ ys = -abs(ys)*.5; fy = SCREENSIZE - (sz/4); //fy = SCREENSIZE; } } } class puller { float x,y,xs,ys; boolean isHot; puller(float px, float py){ x = px; y = random(20,SCREENSIZE-20); xs = random(-3,3); //ys = random(-3,3); } void move(){ x = x + xs; y = y + ys; } void bounds(){ if(x < 0) { x = 0 ; xs = abs(xs); } if(y < 0) { y = 0 ; ys = abs(ys); } if(x > SCREENSIZE) { x = SCREENSIZE ; xs = -abs(xs); } if(y > SCREENSIZE) { y = SCREENSIZE ; ys = -abs(ys); } } void draw(){ fill(128,255,128); if(distance(x,y,mouseX,mouseY) < 30){ isHot = true; stroke(255,128,128); } else { isHot = false; fill(0,255,0); stroke(0); } ellipse(x,y,20,20); } } /************************/ float distance(float x1, float y1,float x2, float y2){ return sqrt(pow(x1-x2,2) + pow(y1-y2,2) ) ; }