import ddf.minim.signals.*; import ddf.minim.*; import ddf.minim.analysis.*; import ddf.minim.effects.*; AudioSnippet scream[] = new AudioSnippet[10]; AudioSnippet bam; HashSet pixies = new HashSet(); HashSet fallingpixies = new HashSet(); HashSet deadpixies = new HashSet(); int fps = 30; rock r = new rock(); void setup(){ size(400,400,P3D); rectMode(CENTER); frameRate(fps); Minim.start(this); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ scream[i] = Minim.loadSnippet(i+".mp3"); } bam = Minim.loadSnippet("bam.mp3"); textFont(loadFont("Arial-Black-14.vlw"),14); } void resetgame(){ timer = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ pixies.add(new pixie(scream[i])); } } void stop() { for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ scream[i].close(); } super.stop(); } void mousePressed(){ if(gameon){ r.isFalling = true; r.playedSound = false; } else { gameon = true; resetgame(); } } boolean gameon = false; float smalltimer; int timer = -1; void draw(){ smalltimer++; if(smalltimer >= fps && gameon ){ smalltimer = 0; timer++; } if(pixies.size() == 0){ gameon = false; } Iterator i; background(100,100,200); if(gameon){ text("Timer:"+timer+" pixies left:"+pixies.size(),50,50); } else { if(timer >= 0){ text("pixiesmash! click to play - last score "+timer,50,50); } else { text("click to play pixiesmash! ",50,50); } } translate(200,200,0); float yrot = (mouseX+200.0)/300.0; // rotateY(1+yrot); rotateX(-.25); stroke(255,100+(20.0*sin(smalltimer))); strokeWeight(2); fill(0,0); box(200,200,200); i = fallingpixies.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ fallingpixie f = (fallingpixie); if(f.move(r)){ deadpixies.add(new deadpixie(f)); i.remove(); } f.draw(); } i = deadpixies.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ deadpixie f = (deadpixie); f.draw(); } if(r.move()){ r = new rock(); }; r.draw(); i = pixies.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ pixie f = (pixie); if(f.move(r)){ fallingpixies.add(new fallingpixie(f)); i.remove(); } f.draw(); } } class deadpixie{ float x,y,z; float r,g,b; deadpixie(fallingpixie f) { x = f.x; y = f.y; z = f.z; r = f.r; g = f.g; b = f.b; } float ra = random(20); float s = 2; void draw(){ stroke(r,g,b,100+(ra*sin(smalltimer))); line(x-s,y,z-s,x+s,y,z+s); line(x+s,y,z-s,x-s,y,z+s); } } class fallingpixie{ float x,y,z; float r,g,b; fallingpixie(pixie f) { x = f.x[0]; y = f.y[0]; z = f.z[0]; r = f.r; g = f.g; b = f.b; } boolean move(rock r){ y = r.y + (r.size/2); if(y >= 100){ return true; } else { return false; } } float s=2; void draw(){ stroke(r,g,b,120); line(x-s,y,z-s,x+s,y,z+s); line(x+s,y,z-s,x-s,y,z+s); } } class pixie{ float maxspeed = 10; float speed = 1; int pieces = 3; float maxplace = 100; float x[] = new float[pieces]; float y[] = new float[pieces]; float z[] = new float[pieces]; float xs,ys,zs; float r,g,b; AudioSnippet snip; pixie(AudioSnippet ps){ snip = ps; r = g = b = 255; if(int(random(2)) == 1){ r = 200; } if(int(random(2)) == 1){ g = 200; } if(int(random(2)) == 1){ b = 200; } } void draw(){ for(int i = 1; i < pieces; i++){ stroke(r,g,b,120+(120 / i)); line(x[i-1],y[i-1],z[i-1], x[i],y[i],z[i]); line(x[i-1],y[i-1]+1,z[i-1], x[i],y[i]+1,z[i]); } for(int i = 1; i < pieces; i++){ stroke(0,0,0,20); line(x[i-1],100,z[i-1], x[i],100,z[i]); line(x[i-1],100,z[i-1], x[i],100,z[i]); } } boolean move(rock r){ for(int i = pieces - 1; i > 0; i--){ x[i] = x[i-1]; y[i] = y[i-1]; z[i] = z[i-1]; } if(int(random(2))==1){ xs += speed; } else { xs -= speed; } if(int(random(2))==1){ ys += speed/10; } else { ys -= speed/10; } if(int(random(2))==1){ zs += speed; } else { zs -= speed; } x[0] += xs; y[0] += ys; z[0] += zs; xs = constrain(xs, -maxspeed,maxspeed); ys = constrain(ys, -maxspeed,maxspeed); zs = constrain(zs, -maxspeed,maxspeed); if(abs(x[0]) > maxplace){ xs = -1; x[0] = maxplace * (x[0] / abs(x[0])); } if(abs(y[0]) > maxplace){ ys *= -1; y[0] = maxplace * (y[0] / abs(y[0])); } if(abs(z[0]) > maxplace){ zs *= -1; z[0] = maxplace * (z[0] / abs(z[0])); } if( between(x[0],r.x-(r.size/2),r.x+(r.size/2)) && between(z[0],r.z-(r.size/2),r.z+(r.size/2)) ){ if( r.isFalling && between(y[0], r.y+(r.size/2), r.y+ (r.size/2) + r.yspeed)){ //is in path! stroke(255); snip.rewind();; return true; } else { if(isNear(x[0], r.x-(r.size/2))){ x[0] = r.x-(r.size/2); xs = 0; } if(isNear(x[0], r.x+(r.size/2))){ x[0] = r.x+(r.size/2); xs = 0; } if(isNear(x[0], r.z-(r.size/2))){ x[0] = r.z-(r.size/2); zs = 0; } if(isNear(x[0], r.z+(r.size/2))){ x[0] = r.z+(r.size/2); zs = 0; } } } return false; } } boolean isNear(float a, float b){ if(abs(a-b) < 10){ return true; } return false; } boolean between(float a, float b, float c){ return( a >= b && a <= c); } boolean go(float a ){ return true; } class rock{ float size = 50; float x,y,z; boolean isFalling = false; boolean isRising; float yspeed; rock(){ y = -100 - (size/2) ; } boolean playedSound; boolean move(){ // x = mouseX; if(! isFalling && !isRising){ z = mouseY - 200; z = constrain(z,-(75),75); x = mouseX - 200; x = constrain(x,-(75),75); return false; } else { if(isFalling){ y += yspeed; yspeed += .2; if(! playedSound && y > 80 - (size/2)){ bam.rewind();; playedSound = true; } if(y > 100 - (size/2)){ isFalling = false; isRising = true; return false; } return false; } } if(isRising){ yspeed = -4; y += yspeed; if(y <= -100 - (size/2)){ y = -100 - (size/2); isRising = false; yspeed=0; } } return false; } void draw(){ pushMatrix(); stroke(0,0); fill(0,40); translate(x,100,z); box(size,1,size); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); stroke(128); fill(200,255); translate(x,y,z); box(size,size,size); popMatrix(); } }