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KHftCEA 1997-08.1 August
KHftCEA 1997-08.1 August

"some days are better than lovers"
          -misheard Meredith Brooks lyric
dylan's problem is that he already has and uses his "soap opera name"
damn it rebekah-
you don't dance

cape cod "colonial acres" with lena bjorn and tom robbin's "half asleep in frog pajamas" funny the timing of it
the amphibian aliens and the connection of humanity and the sea
I find my love fishing
His feet in the shallows.

We have breakfast together,
And drink beer.

I offer him the magic of my thighs
He is caught in the spell.
          --Egyptian, from 1500-1000BC, translated by Ezra Pound and Noel Stock
On my way to NYC via bus.  The pilot's even more of a faithful companion than my car.  Is it odd to consider objects companions?  Not according to Tom Robbins (and you know what it's worth)

does reading cause bad vision?  Sounds like a conspiracy theory- the intelligensia concealing this from their progeny...or maybe it's only the readers who really notice and get glasses- could part of the problem child problem be undiagnosed bad vision?

Still on the damn bus driving through left lane closed land.  Just finished "pinko-gray" glad I stuck it out but now I am so hungry for european travel I could scream.  Reading about businesses in Kenya made me think of the Andrade store in Portugal and it seemed odd to know that was a time with no R just V.
Obscenity, by itself, is the last refuge of the vulgarian and the crutch of the inarticulate motherf**ker.
          --Lawrence Paros
"the only thing about masturbation to be ashamed of is doing it badly"
Meanwhile, Ziller was doing a bit of tasting himself.  Amanda was melting in the glory of it.  She felt like the frosting left on the spoon that iced the Cake of the World.

Sexuality ringed Amanda the way a penumbra rings a shadow.
          --Tom Robbins "Another Roadside Attraction"
rationality and science will be alright once it takes itself to the metalevel and learns when to stay out of its own way.
"Power corrupts.  Absolute power is kind of neat."
          --John Lehman, secretary of the navy 1981-1987
just refound the sarah mcl cd- Solace and listening to "drawn to the rhythm" makes me shiver with longing for sQ- the ones I left behind. Kirk the perpetual nostalgic.  Sheesh.
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