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KHftCEA 1999-07.6 July
KHftCEA 1999-07.6 July

Read in the news about how in 10 years power consumption may well exceed supply (wonder if that includes electric car ambitions?) Suddenly, visions of a grungy cyberpunk future seem that much more plausible.
Ok, this should be the last memo this month. Not sure what the difference has been.
"Values of ß will give rise to dom!"
--Ritchie's Sixth Edition Unix mv command
/* You are not expected to understand this */
--Ritchie, comment in Sixth Edition Unix
Many supermarket chashiers here in Nashville wear these ["What Would Jesus Do?"] bracelets. I have this recurring fantasy of one day screaming out "You know what Jesus would do?!?! He'd bag my fucking groceries a bit faster!"
pet tags for murphy: 800-543-TAGS
"Unrequited Love is like hitting your head against a wall that isn't there."
--Too Much Coffee Man
"If you can't be happy naturally, you might as well force it."
--Too Much Coffee Man
"That which doesn't kill you will make you bitter and cynical."
--Too Much Espresso Guy
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