dear diary
The commitment you have to maintain this site on a daily basis is remarkable. Makes me pretty jealous.

Mount Sinai you remember that?
--Beau Mon May 24 21:11:56 2004
I also must say it is very entertaining, and thought provoking, reading.
--Beau Mon May 24 21:13:19 2004
I've always been afraid that spending time keeping and reviewing a journal would take me out of the present moment. Kind of like vacationers who are too busy videotaping their holiday to enjoy it. But you have me thinking a journal would help you catch yourself drifting or developing other habits.
--Cole Mon May 24 22:14:15 2004
commitment, obsessive-compulsiveness...who's counting?

For those who don't know Beau is a kickbutt trumpet player and chess player who I went to church with for 6 years when I was in Cleveland.

Mt Sinai...sigh...Beau's last name is Hill, mine is Israel, together, I'm almost embarassed to say...we were "Mount Sinai", get it? I have to admit I think we used that name for some pretty dang corny white guy rapping, the kind of rapping so corny you put on sunglasses to signify that you are, in fact, cool.

Good times, good times. And if anyone had any doubts that maybe there were somethings in my past I'm afraid to admit here, well this should prove that wrong...
--Kirk Mon May 24 22:17:59 2004
Cole - (heh, funny, you wrote just as I was composing my response to Beau) I do see what you mean about being out of the present moment. But a event journal can be a small, inobtrusive discipline, just 1 or 2 minutes a day (too often hastily typed in my case) and at the end you at least have the potential to connect to times that would otherwise be 100% forgotten
--Kirk Mon May 24 22:20:06 2004
PS, did I mention how much I love getting comments? It makes my day. I do understand that not every day is likely to be response provoking, so I'll try to limit my whining about it to like 3 or 4 days in a row with 0 comments.

It's thunering and lightninging all over my state right now. I love it.
--Kirk Mon May 24 22:23:27 2004
It is kind of funny how a "beat boxing" tuba player and geeky trumpet player used to think they were cool ;-)
--Beau Tue May 25 06:47:32 2004
Well, I wasn't convinced we were *cool* cool I think...but actually our elders didn't know the difference and encouraged fact, they may have come up with the idea.

All I remember is we rhymed "Colonel Payton" with "Chink in the armor of Satan".

--Kirk Tue May 25 07:19:05 2004
Come on ... that is cool!
--Beau Tue May 25 07:59:12 2004

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