do what you do. love what you love.
You read slashdot too, then?
--Catherine Wed Jan 25 08:36:10 2006
Yeah, sometimes I'm a slashdotdotdot or a metametafilter or a boingboing-boinger or what have you.
--Kirk Wed Jan 25 08:58:41 2006
I'm taking a big step toward stuff that I want to do with my life, personally. The whole thing exhilirates me, but I also find myself having to push myself to do it.

The fiancee brought up the fact of comfortability. I know what I'm doing now, and I can give attention to long term projects that I want now while chugging on toward the professional goal and other things, I have to put the goals I REALLY want to do on hold, which sucks.

I also have an "evolutionary" theory for it, too. If you're not necessarily a big ambitious aggressor type of thing, you would do better not to make too much noise and have the security of tribe. While if you're big, ambitious, etc. you can stand a chance making a lot of noise and vying for the top.

Not saying that any one of us is big or small or what have you, but breaking out of what we know does take us away from a secure area, and I think the threat of losing security touches upon our deeper primordial selves, even if it's not necessarily direct physical harm that faces us.
--The_Lex Wed Jan 25 09:41:30 2006
I like salami.
--The_Salami Wed Jan 25 14:37:41 2006
Lex, you do know that 'comfortability' isn't a word, don't you? (Even in what passes for English over there! :-P )
--Catherine Wed Jan 25 18:03:47 2006
It's a perfectly cromulent word.

Stuff like that's why I like English.
--Kirk Wed Jan 25 20:32:53 2006
Heh heh, comfort would have worked just as well. . ..

And I have to ask, how did 'cromulent' ever get introduced as a piece of slang?
--The_Lex Thu Jan 26 07:44:27 2006
Well, you know it's a Simpsons reference, right?
I don't know how the jump happened exactly, but Simpsons is pretty popular. I don't think we'd be saying "D'ohh!" without it.
--Kirk Thu Jan 26 10:00:54 2006
Ouch! So you insulted me. =0
--The_Lex Thu Jan 26 11:05:38 2006
No, it wasn't meant to be harsh like that link might've implied; I actually think it *was* perfetly cromulent; not linguistically correct, but comprehensible, and you could read the intention of using it for its different "feel" relative to plain old "comfort". 
--Kirk Thu Jan 26 11:48:28 2006
No, it wasn't meant to be harsh like that link might've implied; I actually think it *was* perfetly cromulent; not linguistically correct, but comprehensible, and you could read the intention of using it for its different "feel" relative to plain old "comfort". 
--Kirk Thu Jan 26 11:48:28 2006
Good point. . .even though I think I just had a brain fart and didn't make the connection between "comfortability" and "comfort."

I did the same thing when I used "analyzation" rather than "analysis" for at title to a college paper. I've seen other people do the same thing with "analysis."

In some sense, do these kinds of mistakes expose any inconsistencies in English?
--The_Lex Thu Jan 26 14:19:46 2006
I dunno about inconsistencies, I don't want to think about it that deeply, think about words of similar construction.

But I'd say comfort != comfortability, for starters... "comfort" would seem to reflect the comfort level of the moment, while comfortability would seem to reflect the kind of "comfort potential" of the entire situation.

Similarly, "analyzation" has a bit more a verb-y, action-y feel to it, while "analysis" feels more self-contained and definite.

Sigh. I might inadvertantly be justifying "misunderstimate" here.
--Kirk Thu Jan 26 14:30:13 2006

You know me, always thinking deeply. . ..
--The_Lex Thu Jan 26 15:32:13 2006
Read a week back in my Blog and saw another instance of me mutating a word, this time to fit into a haiku.

Silly me. . ..
--The_Lex Thu Jan 26 23:29:26 2006

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