her immaculate burberry hotpants gleamed beneath the harsh fluorescent lights
I thought guerilla prose was played by old 18th or 19th century writers or interesting gentlemen.
--The_Lex Thu Sep 14 05:58:53 2006
you should really scan the eat-poop-you-cat mess we collaboratively made.
--miller Thu Sep 14 12:58:08 2006
the actual provenance of the idea was a cryptic email the Mr. Gaiman received asking him for chapter summaries, with no other context. So off the cuff he wrote up the first theramin ideas http://www.neilgaiman.com/journal/2004/07/shatners-bassoon.asp

Many people loved the idea, and the seed he had started with, so they created johnnytheremin.com and wrote full chapters for all of the ones he listed, as well as new ones he hadn't. It lends itself to much episodic fun.

--Mr. Ibis Thu Sep 14 16:02:09 2006
BTW. I must say I love the phrase "Shatner's Basoon"

It's *dirty*.
--Mr. Ibis Thu Sep 14 16:02:57 2006
Mr.Ibis, you crazy cat... don't you know not to let puncuation touch the end of a URL? Not all URL parsers are smart enough to know that ) isn't likely to be in a link... (I fixed it)
--Kirk Thu Sep 14 16:08:05 2006
Hmmmm. . .I must be thinking of another form of guerilla prose.
--The_Lex Fri Sep 15 05:59:19 2006

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