What? Fire isn't one syllable?
--The_Lex Fri Sep 15 14:17:26 2006
Oh. . .right.
--The_Lex Fri Sep 15 14:17:38 2006
according to
the pronounciation key is [groul] making it a one sylable word like out, loud, and how. 
-- --EB Sat Sep 16 11:27:45 2006
I still say there's at LEAST half a syllable there in "howl" that isn't there with "how".
--Kirk Sat Sep 16 12:10:03 2006
Isn't that just like Kirk, nothing to do on a Saturday, so he want to argue with the dictionary..... :)
----Eb Sat Sep 16 20:32:12 2006
Isn't that just like Kirk, nothing to do on a Saturday, so he want to argue with the dictionary..... :)
----EB Sat Sep 16 20:32:27 2006
Kerist, isn't that just like EB, repeating himself.

----EB Sat Sep 16 21:16:16 2006
I'm a descriptivist, not a prescriptivist.

I mean, is haiku to be read, or spoken? I feel like syllables are fundamentally a spoken thing.

Or maybe the question is, our haikus to be read, or spoken with a vague northeast melange accent?
--Kirk Sun Sep 17 20:08:30 2006

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