creep creep
I just fell for that offer today.

And paid $1.89 for a drink on its own because I no longer needed chips.

But, free cookie. So, it evens out.
--Nick B Thu Apr 3 15:41:05 2008
The tomato is technically a fruit---a berry if you want to be pedantic.
--Sean Conner Thu Apr 3 16:17:23 2008
And your mother's a whore.
--Sean Connery Thu Apr 3 19:05:37 2008
The fake $5 sub has been a topic of discussion at my work lunch-table. The $5 doesn't include tax, which brings it to $6 in California. My coworkers discussed this for a long time, so it seems Kirk's blog is right on the pulse of the zeitgeist.
--EE P Thu Apr 3 19:06:53 2008
20% sales tax? holy shit.

That must be why California can always easily afford to adequately fund the best possible government services.
--Anonymous Thu Apr 3 21:35:36 2008
It's not 20%, because I recently researched it, and the highest sales tax in the nation, though up there, is not quite 20% and not in California. Plus CA has an income tax, which tends to reduce sales taxes-- up here in Seattle, we just went up to 9% for stuff and .95 for prepared food. Only in the last year or so can we right this tax off our federal taxes (in lieu of the writeoff from state income taxes, which we do not have).

Also, I've been enjoying the $5 foot-long. It's not the giant deal it first appears to be, but I get a BMT or a meatball (meatball is one of the cheapest sandwiches they have, I note) and it still comes in cheaper. I can understand they don't let you get crazy with the beef, it's still the most expensive ingredient. (I was informed years ago by a friend and sandwich artist that the meatballs are 90% so. You get 8 of them on a footlong, or .8 ball of meat.) The trick they've been using is standardizing the price of upgrading from 6" to 12", and then pricing their 6" subs accordingly.

In any case, it knocks a couple of bucks off the price of a BMT combination with a large soda, which is what I get on Fridays.
--LAN3 Thu Apr 3 23:59:57 2008
Chicago will soon have the highest sales tax in the nation, topping out somewhere in the 10% range, from what I understand.
--The_Lex Fri Apr 4 07:29:04 2008
Tomato is, botanically, a fruit, but culinarily a vegetable through and through.
--Kirk Fri Apr 4 08:12:30 2008
In 1893, the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously ruled that a tomato is a vegetable in the ordinary meaning of the word, for the purposes of applying tariffs on imported vegetables. (Nix v. Hedden, 149 U.S. 304 (1893)).
--LAN3 Fri Apr 4 15:59:51 2008

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