heavy boots
Crimeny! If there's no gravity, what difference would the weight of the boots make? If there's no gravity, what's HOLDING THE MOON TOGETHER?! All that green cheese?
--Bill the Splut Thu Jun 7 19:40:57 2012
"Holding the moon together" isn't an intuitively appealing argument though... like people don't notice the hulk isn't ripping through the ground to push off his mighty leaps, they just think of the ground as solid.

But seriously, people having just ZERO theoretical understanding of what a UNIVERSAL theory of gravitation implies is just sad. Maybe that whole "Sure, evolution is 'just a theory', just like the theory of gravity is 'just a theory'" isn't as good an argument against dumb people as smart people would assume.
--Kirk Fri Jun 8 05:49:28 2012

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