look at me, I'm here, i did these things, i have this stuff

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Anyone daring the shopping today? I may (or may not) go brave a Best Buy, there's this one game that sounds interesting..

Quote of the Moment
This john's name was John and he lived in one of those apartment complexes that are all over Tucson, where the desert used to be. Little houses stacked and winding around each other like a sprawling motel, a ghetto for people with money. Lawns spiked with sprinklers and a couple of pools. They all had nature names - Three Pines, Blue River Apartments. John's apartment was full of things I wanted to steal. Bright pieces of art from Mexico, perfect layers of yarn curved into flowing animals or gods, something you'd hallucinate on really good drugs. John needed to show his life to someone, which I think is often the reason everyone tries to fall in love. Look at me, I'm here, I did these things, I have this stuff. He'd have the Rolling Stones blaring from his stereo, the sound filling his sunny little apartment and he'd be singing along, too loud, a verse ahead of the actual song so that I could understand that he knew this song, he knew it well and that said something about him.
Michelle Tea, "Rent Girl"
"Rent Girl", kind of a graphic novel illustrated by Laurenn McCubbin. About the least glamorous view of prostitution (mostly around Boston; this anecdote is from a sidetrip) possible, and barely sexual at all despite all the nudity. I was tempted just to quote
John needed to show his life to someone, which I think is often the reason everyone tries to fall in love. Look at me, I'm here, I did these things, I have this stuff.
which I think is a very cutting observation.

Advice of the Moment
Using the Hell out of your Digital Camera - 10 Tips for Digital Camera Owners includes the idea of taking a picture of your name and address, and leaving it always on the camera, locked. Which is probably not a bad idea, but after 7 or so years of always having my camera on me I've never left it behind... some other neat ideas there, some of which (like using it as a memory aid, or evidence, etc) I started doing on my own.

As visiting family uses my PC I had forgotten how flustering my microsoft split keyboard if you're not used to it- you'd think it was dvorak
Run your browser with the "default" color to the old "Windows' gray". It's kind of astounding how many sites assume the default is white.
Wow, so dark! Like someone is really trying to put the black into Black Friday...
Bacos aren't a spice, Betty