from garrison keillor's "Chruch Organist"

A nice passage from Garrison Keillor's "Church Organist" in the collection "Life Among the Lutherans":
A man and woman look at each other across the breakfast table and realize it's been a long time since they've had bad feelings for about each other, these two who've gone through rough patches when big arguments could come up suddenly out of nowhere that left them emotionally drained and sorrowful for days, and now it feel as if they've turned a corner and found something easy, a simple pleasure in each other, in their domestic arrangements, in their mutual life, in lying in bed and rubbing her back, in walking into the bathroom and she turns naked and beautiful and looks at you without alarm. It's so easy when it's easy. You come to this time unaware of it, and gradually it dawns on you that you don't covet anything anymore, you're not ambitious for yourself anymore, you enjoy the success of other people and are happy for them, and you see so often how unable they are to be happy about their own success, but that's not your problem. You've come to this sweet time of life.

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