Oh, right, I forgot about Buffalo being some of the worst weather during the winter in the US.
--The_lex Fri, 13 Oct 2006 10:52:22 -0400
They share that same dreaded phenomenon w/ Cleveland, "The Lake Effect" where cold air from up north swoops over the great lakes, picks up a ton of moisture, and dumps it on the cities to the South or East.
AFAIK, Chicago doesn't get quite as bad on average, just by virtue of being on the Western shore.
--Kirk Fri, 13 Oct 2006 11:08:46 -0400
Minnesota had its first snow, just 2-3 days after getting a rare October heatspike of 80 degrees. Just a light dusting of snow, though. Land of 1000 Lake Effects!
Also, what do the Buffalo care about snow? They're covered in that coarse fur!
--LAN3 Fri, 13 Oct 2006 12:06:08 -0400
Not only did they have snow, but they had thunder snow!
teehee it's like a meteorologist's dream!
--Candi Fri, 13 Oct 2006 12:37:22 -0400
The winds or currents generally bring the bad weather more easterly on the Lakes?
We had some snow yesterday but none of it stuck. Tomorrow, though, we're supposed to get temps back in the 50s.
--The_Lex Fri, 13 Oct 2006 13:16:16 -0400
"As Far As I Know"
In general weather goes from west to east because of the jet stream, right? and cold comes from the north. So being to the south or east of a lake means you're getting a lot of the moisture from it.
--Kirk Fri, 13 Oct 2006 13:55:06 -0400
Well, I don't know how the winds change across the States, if they do. But someone did mention to me that the weather pretty much comes over the lake from Canada then hits Chicago.
Looking on weather maps, though, I've seen wind go through Canada, come down to Chicago then swoop up in time to hit Boston. Other than that, I don't know.
--The_Lex Sun, 15 Oct 2006 22:18:40 -0400