florida filler day 4
Not so much disgusted as worried that you keep a log of your fever sores.
--The_Lex Tue, 20 Feb 2007 08:26:28 -0500
I don't have a good enough memory to spot long term trends. I do the same for my blood pressure, jot down the reading like when I give blood.
Each is represented by a small text memo in my Palm Pilot.
Ideally, someday it might help spot a correlation, like years with heavy activity or no activity vs. what's going on in my life. In practice it's tough to do.
Anyway, not much worse than recording my media consumption...
--Kirk Tue, 20 Feb 2007 11:25:06 -0500
That's what I'm talking about. . .. ;b
--The_Lex Wed, 21 Feb 2007 07:59:31 -0500

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