thump thump thumpthumpthump
I'm not usually in the habit of quoting Rush Limbaugh, but I recall that he referred to USA Today as "America's Favorite High School Newspaper." Heh.
--LAN3 Thu, 25 Oct 2007 02:18:01 -0400
Although I typically only get USA Today on business trips (when the hotel gives them away for free) I find it a decent paper. True, the content is shallow; but how much depth do you need for weather, sports and comics? It also does a remarkable job of putting things in easy to understand graphs and diagrams.
--ericball Thu, 25 Oct 2007 12:39:09 -0400
I don't think USA Today has comics.
If it did, I would be more of a fan.
--Kirk Thu, 25 Oct 2007 14:09:17 -0400

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