I'm extraordinarily tolerant about furries, but there's something about the phrase "YIFF IN HELL, FURFAGS" that just pops. It sounds almost like something I'd say to wish someone luck on a date if they were a furry.
Was that an actual protest sign, or just another 4chan meme? The use of "fag" as a suffix suggests the latter.
--Nick Bensema Thu, 20 Dec 2007 11:26:38 -0500
I'm generally intolerant of animated .gifs, but for this site, I'll enable the animation (thanks to Opera's quick-preferences hotkey).
--LAN3 Thu, 20 Dec 2007 17:20:20 -0500
The frame skip/reset screws with my head for some reason.
--The_Lex Thu, 20 Dec 2007 17:30:10 -0500
Which is older, the "haggling over the price" or the Descartes "I think not" joke?
--Nick Bensema Thu, 20 Dec 2007 17:55:52 -0500