import ddf.minim.signals.*; import ddf.minim.*; import ddf.minim.analysis.*; import ddf.minim.effects.*; float virtualscreenwidth; float virtualscreenleft; float virtualscreenright; ArrayList chasers; player p; int planeslost; String grade; void killplayer(){ p = new player(); planeslost++; playerdelay = (int)frameRate; if( planeslost >= 1 && planeslost <= 2){ grade = "AAA"; } if( planeslost >= 3&& planeslost <= 4){ grade = "AA"; } if( planeslost >= 5 && planeslost <= 7){ grade = "A"; } if( planeslost >= 8 && planeslost <= 9){ grade = "B"; } if( planeslost >= 10 && planeslost <= 11){ grade = "C"; } if( planeslost >= 12 && planeslost <= 14){ grade = "D"; } if( planeslost >= 15){ grade = "F"; } } AudioSnippet boom; void goboom(){ boom.rewind();; } void setup(){ size(500,500); Minim.start(this); boom = Minim.loadSnippet("BOOM2.WAV"); frameRate(30); ellipseMode(CENTER); textFont(loadFont("Arial-BoldMT-20.vlw")); virtualscreenwidth = width+50; virtualscreenleft = (width - virtualscreenwidth)/2; virtualscreenright = width - virtualscreenleft; gamemode = BEFORE; gamediff = DIFFNORMAL; startgame(); } void stop() { boom.close(); Minim.stop(); super.stop(); } int gamemode; int gamediff; int BEFORE = 1; int DURING = 2; int AFTER = 3; int DIFFNORMAL =1; int DIFFHARD = 2; void keyPressed(){ if(key=='n' || key == 'N'){ gamediff = DIFFNORMAL; gamemode = DURING; startgame(); } if(key=='d' || key == 'D'){ gamediff = DIFFHARD; gamemode = DURING; startgame(); } if(key=='q' || key=='Q'){ //chasers.removeAll(); chasers = new ArrayList(); gamemode = AFTER; } } int launchdelay; void startgame(){ p = new player(); chasers = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ chaser c = new chaser(100+(i*35),gamediff); chasers.add(c); } explosions = new HashSet(); launchdelay = (int)frameRate ; planeslost = 0; grade="S"; } HashSet explosions; int playerdelay; float groundheight = 100; void draw(){ background(200,200,255); if(playerdelay < 0){ launchdelay--; if(launchdelay == 0){ launch(); // launchdelay = (int)frameRate ; } } else { playerdelay--; } noStroke(); fill(128,255,128); rect(0,height-groundheight, width,groundheight); if(gamemode != BEFORE && playerdelay < 0){ if(keyPressed == true){ if(key == 'a' || key == 'A'){ p.turn(-1.0); } if(key == 'z' || key == 'Z'){ p.turn(1.0); } } } p.move(); p.draw(); ArrayList tokill = new ArrayList(); Iterator i = chasers.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ chaser c = (chaser); c.move(); c.draw(); //p.hit(c); Iterator j = chasers.iterator(); while(j.hasNext()){ chaser d = (chaser); if(c != d && c.hit(d)){ tokill.add(c); tokill.add(d); } } if(c.hitground()){ tokill.add(c); } if(c.hit(p)){ tokill.add(c); killplayer(); } } i = tokill.iterator() ; while(i.hasNext()){ chaser c = (chaser); if(chasers.contains(c)){ chasers.remove(c); if(chasers.size() == 0){ gamemode = AFTER; } explosions.add(new explosion(c.x,c.y)); goboom(); } if({ launchdelay =(int)frameRate; } } i = explosions.iterator() ; while(i.hasNext()){ explosion e = (explosion); e.draw(); if(e.done()){ i.remove(); } } if(p.hitground()){ explosions.add(new explosion(p.x,p.y)); goboom(); killplayer(); } if(gamemode != DURING){ drawText(); } } float red = 0; void drawText(){ red -= 20; if(red < 0) red = 250; fill(red,0,0); text("H E A T S E E K E R",40,80); if(gamemode == AFTER){ text("RANK:"+grade,360,190); } fill(0); text("(based on a game by jeff wolverton in",140,100); text(" compute!'s gazette, march 1985)",140,120); if(gamemode == BEFORE){ text("welcome to the proving grounds",40,160); } else { text("10 missiles destroyed. "+planeslost+" planes lost",40,160); } text("A climbs, Z descends",140,220); text("press:",200,300); text("N for normal",200,330); text("D for difficult",200,360); } void launch(){ Iterator i = chasers.iterator(); boolean launched = false; while(i.hasNext()){ chaser c = (chaser); if((! launched) && (! c.killed) && (!{ = true; launched = true; } } }