import ddf.minim.*; Minim minim; void stop(){ // always close Minim audio classes when you are done with them :-) closeSounds(); minim.stop(); super.stop(); } int SAMPLECOUNT = 4; AudioPlayer music; AudioSnippet chaserboom; AudioSnippet playerboom; AudioSnippet tankboom; void loadSounds(){ minim = new Minim(this); music = minim.loadFile("lowkeyJP.mp3"); chaserboom = minim.loadSnippet("chaserboom.wav"); playerboom = minim.loadSnippet("playerboom.wav"); tankboom = minim.loadSnippet("tankboom.wav"); } void startMusic(){ music.pause(); music.rewind();; } void fx(AudioSnippet a){ a.pause();a.rewind();; } void fx_chaserboom() { fx(chaserboom); } void fx_playerboom() { fx(playerboom); } void fx_tankboom() { fx(tankboom); } void closeSounds(){ chaserboom.close(); playerboom.close(); tankboom.close(); music.close(); } int CARD = 1; int TITLE_BEFORE = 2; int PLAY = 3; int TITLE_AFTER; int gameMode = CARD; PImage cardImage; int tanksKilled; int chasersKilled; int round; ArrayList chasers= new ArrayList(); ArrayList tanks = new ArrayList(); ArrayList smokes = new ArrayList(); void setup(){ size(500,500); cardImage = loadImage("smallbill.jpg"); loadSounds(); } void draw(){ if(gameMode == CARD){ drawCard(); } if(gameMode == TITLE_BEFORE || gameMode == TITLE_AFTER){ drawTitle(); } if(gameMode == PLAY){ play(); } if(gameMode == PLAY || gameMode == TITLE_AFTER) showScore(); } void mousePressed(){ if(gameMode == CARD){ startMusic(); gameMode = TITLE_BEFORE; return; } if(gameMode == TITLE_BEFORE || gameMode == TITLE_AFTER){ startGame(); return; } } void drawCard(){ background(200); textAlign(CENTER); fill(0); image(cardImage,202,150); text("an /",250,145); text("kirkjerk joint\n\n\n(click)",250,310); } void drawTitle(){ background(150,75,40); fill(255); textSize(50); textAlign(CENTER,CENTER); text("HIT OR MISSILE",0,0,500,500); textSize(20); text("steer with the mouse - button moves\ndodge missiles and destroy the launchers\n\nclick to play",0,300,500,200); } void startGame(){ round = 1; tanksKilled = 0; chasersKilled = 0; gameMode = PLAY; p = new Player(); p.x = 250; p.y = 250; smokes = new ArrayList(); chasers= new ArrayList(); tanks = new ArrayList(); reseedTanks(); } void reseedTanks(){ for(int i = 0; i < round; i++){ tanks.add(new Tank()); } } void showScore(){ fill(255); textSize(10); text("LEVEL:"+round+" LAUNCHERS DESTROYED:"+tanksKilled+" MISSILES DESTROYED:"+chasersKilled,0,0,500,50); } void play(){ background(150,75,40); showScore(); for(Tank t : tanks){ t.move(); t.draw(); } ArrayListtanksTK = new ArrayList(); ArrayListchasersTK = new ArrayList(); boolean chaserHit = false; boolean tankHit = false; for(Chaser c:chasers){ c.move(); c.draw(); for(Tank t : tanks){ if(c.hit(t)){ tanksTK.add(t); tankHit = true; tanksKilled++; chasersKilled++; chasersTK.add(c); smokes.add(new FireSmoke(t)); } } for(Chaser c2:chasers){ if(c.hit(c2)){ chaserHit = true; chasersTK.add(c); chasersKilled++; smokes.add(new SmallFireSmoke(c)); } } } // if(chaserHit ) fx_chaserboom(); if(tankHit || chaserHit) fx_tankboom(); tanks.removeAll(tanksTK); chasers.removeAll(chasersTK); if(tanks.size() == 0){ round++; reseedTanks(); } p.move(); p.draw(); for(Chaser c:chasers){ if(c.hit(p)){ fx_playerboom(); startMusic(); gameMode = TITLE_AFTER; } } ArrayList smokesTK = new ArrayList(); for(Smoke s : smokes){ s.draw(); if(s.aged()){ smokesTK.add(s); } } smokes.removeAll(smokesTK); } class Player extends rotater{ void move(){ if(mousePressed) speed = 5; else speed = 0; angle = atan2(mouseY - y, mouseX - x); calcangles(); super.move(); if(random(100) < 40){ smokes.add(new Smoke(this)); } } void draw(){ fill(255); stroke(0); // noFill(); // ellipse(x,y,20,20); pushMatrix(); translate(x,y); rotate(angle); triangle(10,0,-8,-8,-8,8); triangle(10,0,-8,-2,-8,2); popMatrix(); } } class rotater { void draw(){ stroke(0); // noFill(); // ellipse(x,y,20,20); pushMatrix(); translate(x,y); rotate(angle); triangle(10,0,-8,-2,-8,2); popMatrix(); //line(250,250,x,y); } String ima; void turn(float dir){ angle += (.15 * dir); calcangles(); } void calcangles(){ angcos= cos(angle); angsin = sin(angle); } float x,y,angle,angcos,angsin, speed; boolean hit(rotater r){ if(this == r) return false; float dist = sqrt(pow(x-r.x,2) + pow(y-r.y,2)); if(dist < 20){ return true; } return false; } void move(){ x += angcos* speed; y += angsin * speed; } } class Tank extends rotater{ int time; Tank(){ time = round(random(50,150)); float a = random(2*PI); x = 250+cos(a)*200; y = 250+sin(a)*200; } void draw(){ fill(255); ellipse(x,y,30,30); fill(128); if(time < 50) fill(128,0,0); noStroke(); angle = atan2(p.y-y,p.x-x); ellipse(x+cos(angle)*5,y+sin(angle)*5,15,15); } void move(){ time--; if(time <= 0){ time = round(random(200,450)); fx_chaserboom(); chasers.add(new Chaser(this)); } } } rotater p; class Chaser extends rotater{ float mysize=20; float turnspeed; Chaser(){ speed = 3; turnspeed = .03; angle = -PI/2; active = true; calcangles(); ima="chaser"; } Chaser(Tank t){ speed = 3; turnspeed = .03; angle = t.angle; active = true; calcangles(); ima="chaser"; x = t.x+25*cos(angle); y = t.y+25*sin(angle); } void draw(){ fill(200,50,50); super.draw(); } boolean killed = false; boolean active = false; void move(){ if(active && (!killed)){ float mentalchaserx = x; float mentalplanex = p.x; float dx = (mentalplanex -mentalchaserx); float dy = ( p.y - y); float wantangle = atan2(dy, dx); float anglediff = (angle - wantangle); anglediff /= PI; //this next bit catches the "runaround" if(anglediff > 1){ anglediff -= 2; } if(anglediff < -1){ anglediff += 2; } //print("wantangle:"+(wantangle/PI)+" angle "+(angle/PI)+" diff: "+ (anglediff)+" "); if(anglediff > 0){ // println(" <-\\"); angle -= turnspeed; } else { // println(" /->"); angle += turnspeed; } //stroke(255,0,0); //line(250,250,250+(cos(wantangle) * 30), 250+(sin(wantangle)*30)); // line(250,250,245,245); // line(250,250,255,255); //angle += turnspeed; calcangles(); super.move(); } } } class Smoke{ float x,y,s; Smoke(rotater m){ x = m.x; y = m.y; s = 1; } void draw(){ noStroke(); if(s > 0.2){ float sz = 2 + 1/s; fill(255,255*s); ellipse(x,y,sz,sz); } } boolean aged(){ s -= .01; if(s < 0) return true; return false; } } class FireSmoke extends Smoke{ FireSmoke(rotater m){ super(m); } void draw(){ noStroke(); if(s > 0.2){ float sz = 20 + (10*1/s); fill(255,0,0,255*s); ellipse(x,y,sz,sz); } } boolean aged(){ s -= .005; if(s < 0) return true; return false; } } class SmallFireSmoke extends Smoke{ SmallFireSmoke(rotater m){ super(m); } void draw(){ noStroke(); if(s > 0.2){ float sz = 10 + (5*1/s); fill(255,0,0,255*s); ellipse(x,y,sz,sz); } } boolean aged(){ s -= .005; if(s < 0) return true; return false; } }