import ddf.minim.*; Minim minim; void stop(){ // always close Minim audio classes when you are done with them :-) closeSounds(); minim.stop(); super.stop(); } int SAMPLECOUNT = 4; AudioPlayer music; AudioSnippet robot_boom; AudioSnippet player_boom; AudioSnippet mine_drop; AudioSnippet mine_ready; AudioSnippet[] scratch = new AudioSnippet[SAMPLECOUNT]; void loadSounds(){ minim = new Minim(this); music = minim.loadFile("Space Game.wav"); robot_boom = minim.loadSnippet("explsn.wav"); player_boom = minim.loadSnippet("Playerexplsn.wav"); mine_drop = minim.loadSnippet("Mineplacement.wav"); mine_ready = minim.loadSnippet("Redmine.wav"); } void startMusic(){ music.loop(); } void fx(AudioSnippet a){ a.pause();a.rewind();; } void fx_robot_boom() { fx(robot_boom); } void fx_player_boom() { fx(player_boom); } void fx_mine_drop() { fx(mine_drop); } void fx_mine_ready() { fx(mine_ready); } void closeSounds(){ music.close(); robot_boom.close(); player_boom.close(); mine_drop.close(); mine_ready.close(); } int CARD = 1; int TITLE_BEFORE = 2; int PLAY = 3; int TITLE_AFTER; int gameMode = CARD; PImage cardImage; int SQ = 10; float SQSZ = 500 / SQ; int killed; Robot player = new Robot(true); ArrayList mines = new ArrayList(); ArrayList explosions = new ArrayList(); void setup(){ size(500,500); loadSounds(); cardImage = loadImage("smallbill.jpg"); //gameStart(); textAlign(CENTER,CENTER); } void draw(){ background(50); if(gameMode == CARD){ drawCard(); } if(gameMode == TITLE_BEFORE || gameMode == TITLE_AFTER || gameMode == PLAY){ play(); } if(gameMode == TITLE_BEFORE || gameMode == TITLE_AFTER){ drawTitle(); } // if(gameMode == PLAY){ // } } void drawCard(){ background(50); textAlign(CENTER); fill(255); image(cardImage,202,150); text("an /",250,145); text("kirkjerk joint\n\n\naudio by\nrenzo heredia\n\n\n\n(click)",250,310); } void drawTitle(){ textSize(50); textAlign(CENTER,CENTER); fill(0,random(100,255),0); text("ROBOTISH",0,0,500,500); textSize(20); if(gameMode == TITLE_AFTER) text("FINAL ROUND: "+round+"\nROBOTS BLOWN UP:"+killed, 0,0,500,200); text("avoid blue head robots\n\nclick to drop delay-action mines",0,300,500,200); } ArrayListrobots = new ArrayList(); void gameStart(){ explosions = new ArrayList(); mines = new ArrayList(); killed = 0; gameMode = PLAY; round = 0; roundStart(); } int preludeTime = 0; int round; void roundStart(){ round++; preludeTime = 200; robots = new ArrayList(); for(int c = 0; c < round; c++){ robots.add(new Robot(false)); } } void mousePressed(){ if(gameMode == CARD){ gameMode = TITLE_BEFORE; startMusic(); return; } if(gameMode == TITLE_BEFORE||gameMode==TITLE_AFTER){ gameStart(); return; } if(gameMode == PLAY){ mines.add(new Mine(player)); fx_mine_drop(); } } void play(){ background(50); // text(round(frameRate),100,100); if(preludeTime > 0){ preludeTime--; textSize(40); fill(0,random(100,255),0); text("ROUND "+round+" READY",0,0,500,500); } strokeWeight(2); stroke(0,random(100,255),0); for(int c = 0; c < SQ; c++){ line(0,c*(500/SQ),500,c*(500/SQ)); line(c*(500/SQ),0,c*(500/SQ),500); } for(Explosion e:explosions){ e.draw(); } for(Mine m : mines){ m.move(); m.draw(); } for(Robot r: robots){ if(preludeTime <= 0) r.move(); r.draw(); } if(gameMode == PLAY || gameMode == TITLE_BEFORE){ player.move(); player.draw(); } ArrayList robotsToKill = new ArrayList(); ArrayList minesToKill = new ArrayList(); for(Robot r : robots){ for(Mine m : mines){ if(m.hit(r)){ robotsToKill.add(r); minesToKill.add(m); } } if(gameMode == PLAY && player.hit(r)){ fx_player_boom(); explosions.add(new Explosion(r)); gameMode = TITLE_AFTER; } } if(robotsToKill.size() > 0){ fx_robot_boom(); } for(Mine m : mines){ if(gameMode == PLAY && m.hit(player)){ explosions.add(new Explosion(player)); gameMode = TITLE_AFTER; fx_player_boom(); } } for(Robot r : robotsToKill){ robots.remove(r); killed++; explosions.add(new Explosion(r)); } for(Mine m : minesToKill){ mines.remove(m); } if(robots.size() == 0 && gameMode == PLAY){ roundStart(); } } int VERT = 1; int HORIZ = 2; class Robot{ float x=250, y=250,tx,ty; float xs,ys; int travel; boolean isPlayer; float S = random(.03,.1); Robot(boolean pIsPlayer){ if(isPlayer) S = .25; isPlayer = pIsPlayer; if(! isPlayer){ int r = floor(random(4)); if(r == 0){ travel = VERT; y = (SQSZ/2); x = (floor(random(SQ)) * SQSZ )+ (SQSZ/2); tx = x; ty = 250; } if(r == 1){ travel = VERT; y = 500- (SQSZ/2); x = (floor(random(SQ)) * SQSZ )+ (SQSZ/2); tx = x; ty = 250; } if(r == 2){ travel = HORIZ; x = (SQSZ/2); y = (floor(random(SQ)) * SQSZ )+ (SQSZ/2); tx = 250; ty = y; } if(r == 3){ travel = HORIZ; x = 500- (SQSZ/2); y = (floor(random(SQ)) * SQSZ )+ (SQSZ/2); tx = 250; ty = y; } } } void move(){ if(isPlayer){ tx = mouseX; ty = mouseY; xs *= .99; ys *= .99; if(x < 0) xs = abs(xs)*.5; if(x > 500) xs = -abs(xs)*.5; if(y < 0) ys = abs(ys)*.5; if(y > 500) ys = -abs(ys)*.5; float MAX = 4; if(abs(xs) > MAX) xs = MAX * (xs / abs(xs)); if(abs(ys) > MAX)ys = MAX * (ys / abs(ys)); } if(x < tx) xs += S; if(x > tx) xs -= S; if(y < ty) ys += S; if(y > ty) ys -= S; x += xs; y += ys; } boolean hit(Robot r){ if(dist(r.x,r.y+15,x,y+15) < 20){ return true; } return false; } void draw(){ stroke(0); pushMatrix(); translate(x,y); float a = map(xs,10,-10,-PI/3,PI/3); rotate(a); if(isPlayer){ boolean hit = false; for(Mine m : mines){ if(m.hit(this)){ hit = true; } } if(hit)fill(250,100,100); else fill(250,250,250); } else fill(100,100,250); ellipse(0,0-5,20,20); fill(50); ellipse(0,15,20,20); fill(100); rect(-10,-5,20,20); stroke(255,0,0); popMatrix(); } } class Mine{ int timeTilReady = 50; float x,y; Mine(Robot r){ x = r.x; y = r.y+15; } void move(){ if(timeTilReady > 0 ){ timeTilReady--; if(timeTilReady == 0){ fx_mine_ready(); } } } void draw(){ stroke(0); if(timeTilReady >0) fill(150); else fill(random(120,240),0,0); ellipse(x,y,20,20); } boolean hit(Robot r){ if(dist(r.x,r.y+15,x,y) < 20 && timeTilReady <= 0){ return true; } return false; } } class vec2{ float x,y ; vec2(float px, float py){ x = px; y = py; } } class Explosion{ float x,y; ArrayList pts = new ArrayList(); Explosion(Robot r){ x = r.x + 5; y = r.y + 15; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ pts.add(new vec2(random(-20,20),random(-20,20))); } } void draw(){ pushMatrix(); translate(x,y); fill(100); stroke(0); beginShape(); for(vec2 v : pts){ vertex(v.x,v.y); } endShape(CLOSE); popMatrix(); } }