import ddf.minim.*; import ddf.minim.signals.*; import ddf.minim.analysis.*; import ddf.minim.effects.*; Minim minim; void stop(){ // always close Minim audio classes when you are done with them :-) closeSounds(); minim.stop(); super.stop(); } int SAMPLECOUNT = 4; AudioPlayer music; AudioPlayer fanfare; AudioSnippet[] scratch = new AudioSnippet[SAMPLECOUNT]; void loadSounds(){ for(int i = 0; i < SAMPLECOUNT; i++){ scratch[i] = minim.loadSnippet("Shave_var"+((i%4)+1)+".wav"); } music = minim.loadFile("bgmusic.wav"); fanfare = minim.loadFile("victorysound.wav"); } void startMusic(){ music.loop(); } void winMusic(){ fanfare.rewind();; } void scratch(){ int i = int(random(SAMPLECOUNT)); AudioSnippet s = scratch[i]; s.pause(); s.rewind();; } void closeSounds(){ for(int i = 0; i < SAMPLECOUNT; i++){ scratch[i].close(); } music.close(); fanfare.close(); } int CARD = 1; int TITLE_BEFORE = 2; int PLAY = 3; int TITLE_AFTER; int gameMode = CARD; PImage cardImage; float starting; Eye lefteye,righteye; Razor razor ; void setup(){ size(500,500); cardImage = loadImage("smallbill.jpg"); smooth(); lefteye = new Eye(150,200); righteye = new Eye(350,200); razor = new Razor(); noCursor(); doBristles(); minim = new Minim(this); loadSounds(); } void draw(){ if(gameMode == CARD){ drawCard(); } if(gameMode == TITLE_BEFORE || gameMode == TITLE_AFTER){ play(); drawTitle(); } if(gameMode == PLAY){ play(); } } void mousePressed(){ if(gameMode == CARD){ gameMode = TITLE_BEFORE; startMusic(); return; } if(gameMode == TITLE_BEFORE||gameMode == TITLE_AFTER){ startGame(); return; } } ArrayList bristles = new ArrayList(); void startGame(){ gameMode = PLAY; if(bristles.size() == 0) doBristles(); starting = millis(); } void doBristles(){ bristles = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < 500; i++){ bristles.add(new Bristle()); } } void drawCard(){ background(200); textAlign(CENTER); fill(0); image(cardImage,202,150); text("an /",250,145); text("kirkjerk joint\n\n\naudio by\nrenzo heredia\n\n\n\n(click)",250,310); } void drawTitle(){ // background(200); textSize(80); fill(200,0,200); textAlign(CENTER,CENTER); text("SHAVE\nFACE\nRACE",0,0,500,500); textSize(20); text("click to play",0,0,500,60); // if(gameMode == TITLE_BEFORE) || gameMode == TITLE_AFTER){ } float score = 0; float bestScore = 99999999; float smile = 1; void play(){ background(200); fill(255,200,200); stroke(0); strokeWeight(3); ellipse(250,250,400,400); lefteye.draw(); righteye.draw(); noFill(); arc(250,250,70,70,0,PI); for(Bristle b : bristles){ b.draw(); } stroke(0); smile = map(bristles.size(),0,500,1,-1); noFill(); bezier(150,350, 150,350+(smile * 80), 350,350+(smile * 80), 350,350); //line(150,350,350,350); if(gameMode == PLAY){ razor.draw(); razor.cut(); if(bristles.size() == 0){ endGame(); } } if(gameMode == PLAY || gameMode == TITLE_AFTER){ textSize(20); if(gameMode == PLAY){ score = (millis() - starting)/100; score = int(score); score /= 10; } String s = "your time "+score; if(gameMode == TITLE_AFTER){ s += " best time "+bestScore; } text(s,0,440,500,60); } } void endGame(){ gameMode = TITLE_AFTER; score = (millis() - starting)/100; score = int(score); score /= 10; if(bestScore > score){ bestScore = score; } winMusic(); } class Eye{ float x, y; Eye(float px, float py){ x = px; y = py; } void draw(){ fill(255); stroke(0); ellipse(x,y,80,80); fill(0); float a = atan2( mouseY - y, mouseX-x); float nx = cos(a) * 30; float ny = sin(a) * 30; ellipse(x + nx, y +ny,20,20); } } class Razor{ float x,y; void draw(){ fill(100); x = mouseX; y = mouseY; pushMatrix(); translate(x,y); float a = atan2(250-y,250-x); rotate(a+PI/2); rect(-30,-20,60,20); rect(-10,0,20,100); popMatrix(); } void cut(){ ArrayList bristlesToKill = new ArrayList(); boolean doScratch = false; for(Bristle b : bristles){ if(dist(x,y,b.x,b.y) < 20){ doScratch = true; bristlesToKill.add(b); } } bristles.removeAll(bristlesToKill); if(doScratch) scratch(); } } class Bristle{ float x,y,a; Bristle(){ a = random(0,PI); float out = random(40,200); x = 250+cos(a) * out; y = 250+sin(a) * out; } void draw(){ stroke(200,100,0); line(x,y,x+cos(a)*4,y+sin(a)*4); } }