String endtext = "You have rescued your snowy field from the snowman menace!\n\nThanks for being part of the site and at least in that way part of my life --\n\nHope your holidays are great!"; String afterendtext = "\n(Click to Retry)"; PImage sig; String intotext; long timestart; int HOWMANY = 10; HashSet snowmen = new HashSet(); float BALLSIZE = 15; float GRAV = .2; float tx,ty; HashSet snowballs = new HashSet(); int PRE = 0; int PLAY = 1; int POST = 2; int gamemode = PRE; void setup(){ size(500,500); frameRate(60); textFont(loadFont("AlbaSuper-24.vlw"),24); intotext = "A small fotilla of menacing snowmen are hovering menacingly over your fair snowy field in a menacing manner!\n\n"; intotext += "Click to begin and use your trusty snow-slingshot to protect your skies from this icy menace!\n\n"; for(int i = 0; i < HOWMANY; i++){ snowmen.add(new snowman()); } sig = loadImage("sig.gif"); } void resetsnow(){ snowmen = new HashSet(); snowballs = new HashSet(); for(int i = 0; i < HOWMANY; i++){ snowmen.add(new snowman()); } ballsused = 0; timestart = millis(); } int ballsused = 0; long endtime; void showscores(){ fill(60,60,200); float showtime; if(gamemode == PLAY){ endtime = millis(); } showtime = round((endtime - timestart) / 100.0); showtime /= 10.0; String t = "time: "+showtime; text(t, 20, height-20); String b = "snowballs used: "+ballsused; text(b, 260, height-20); } void introtext(){ fill(60,60,200); text(intotext,20,20,width-40,height-120); } void aftertext(){ fill(60,60,200); text(endtext,20,20,width-40,height-120); text(afterendtext,170,height-100); image(sig, width-109, height-200); } void keyPressed(){ if(key == 's' || key == 'S'){ gamemode = POST; } } void draw(){ background(128,128,255); fill(255); noStroke(); rect(0,height-100,width,100); Iterator i; snowman s; i = snowmen.iterator(); int alive = 0; while(i.hasNext()){ s = (snowman); s.move(); s.draw(); if( != s.DEAD){ alive++; } } drawslingsticks(); drawsling(); if(gamemode != PRE){ showscores(); } i = snowballs.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ snowball b = (snowball); b.move(); b.draw(); if(b.offscreenForGood()){ i.remove(); } else { Iterator j = snowmen.iterator(); boolean removed = false; while(j.hasNext()){ snowman m = (snowman); if(m.hitBy(b)){ if(! removed){ i.remove(); removed = true; } m.kill(b); } } } } if(gamemode == PRE){ introtext(); } if(gamemode == PLAY){ if(alive == 0){ gamemode = POST; } } if(gamemode == POST){ aftertext(); } } void drawslingsticks(){ strokeWeight(5); stroke(150,131,68); line(width/2,height-100,width/2,height-120); line(width/2,height-120,(width/2)-20,height-140); line(width/2,height-120,(width/2)+20,height-140); } void mouseReleased(){ if(gamemode == PLAY){ snowballs.add(new snowball()); ballsused++; } if(gamemode == POST){ resetsnow(); gamemode = PLAY; } } void mousePressed(){ if(gamemode == PRE){ gamemode = PLAY; // resetsnow(); } } void drawsling(){ strokeWeight(2); stroke(255,128,128); tx = mouseX; ty = mouseY; if(ty < height - 100) ty = height-100; if(mousePressed){ noFill(); ellipse(tx,ty,BALLSIZE,BALLSIZE); line(tx,ty,(width/2)-20,height-140); line(tx,ty,(width/2)+20,height-140); } else { line((width/2)-20,height-140,(width/2)+20,height-140); } } class snowball{ float xs,ys,x,y; snowball(){ x = tx; y = ty; float midx = width/2; float midy = height-140; xs = (midx - tx)/4; ys = (midy - ty)/4; } void draw(){ stroke(0); strokeWeight(3); fill(255); ellipse(x,y,BALLSIZE,BALLSIZE); } void move(){ x += xs; y += ys; ys += GRAV; } boolean offscreenForGood(){ if(x < -20 && xs < 0){ return true; } if(x > width+20 && xs > 0){ return true; } if(y < - 20 && ys < 0){ return true; } return false; } } class snowman{ float ball3,ball2,ball1; float x1,y1; float x2,y2; float x3,y3; float s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6; float s1x, s1y,s2x,s2y; float hatx,haty; float hatsize; float nx,ny; float speedxmain, speedymain; int ALIVE = 0; int DEAD = 1; int life; float speedx1, speedy1; float speedx2, speedy2; float speedx3, speedy3; float speedxstick1, speedystick1; float speedxstick2, speedystick2; float speedxhat, speedyhat; snowman(){ float x = random(20,width-20); float y = random(40,height-200); ball1 = 20 + (random(0,8)-4); ball2 = 26 + (random(0,7)-5); ball3 = 38 + (random(0,8)-6); x1 = x2 = x3 = x; y1 = y - (ball2*.4)-(ball1*.4); y2 = y; y3 = y + (ball2*.4)+(ball3*.4); s1 = random(0,6) - 3; s2 = random(0,6) - 3; s3 = random(0,6) - 3; s4 = random(0,6) - 3; s5 = random(0,6) - 3; s6 = random(0,6) - 3; s1x = x - (ball2*.5); s1y = y; s2x = x + (ball2*.5); s2y = y; hatx = x; haty = y1 - (ball1/2); hatsize = ball1; nx = random(0,8) - 4; ny = random(0,8) - 4; life = ALIVE; speedxmain = random(0,10) - 5; } float plusorminus(float range){ return random(range * 2) - range; } void kill(snowball b){ float var = 3; if(life != DEAD){ life = DEAD; speedx1 = ((speedxmain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); speedy1 = ((speedymain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); speedx2 = ((speedxmain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); speedy2 = ((speedymain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); speedx3 = ((speedxmain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); speedy3 = ((speedymain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); speedxstick1 = ((speedxmain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); speedystick1 = ((speedymain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); speedxstick2 = ((speedxmain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); speedystick2 = ((speedymain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); speedxhat = ((speedymain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); speedyhat = ((speedymain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); } else { if(whathit == 1){ speedx1 = ((speedxmain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); speedy1 = ((speedymain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); } if(whathit == 2){ speedx2 = ((speedxmain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); speedy2 = ((speedymain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); } if(whathit == 3){ speedx3 = ((speedxmain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); speedy3 = ((speedymain + b.xs) / 2) + plusorminus(var); } } } int whathit; boolean hitBy(snowball b){ float dist1 = sqrt( pow((x1 - b.x),2) + pow( (y1 - b.y),2)); if(dist1 * 2 < BALLSIZE+ball1) { whathit = 1; return true; } float dist2 = sqrt( pow((x2 - b.x),2) + pow( (y2 - b.y),2)); if(dist2 * 2 < BALLSIZE+ball2) { whathit = 2; return true; } float dist3 = sqrt( pow((x3 - b.x),2) + pow( (y3 - b.y),2)); if(dist3 * 2 < BALLSIZE+ball3) { whathit = 3; return true; } return false; } void move(){ if(life == ALIVE){ if(x3 < width / 2){ speedxmain += .3; } else { speedxmain -= .3; } // speedxmain += (random(2)-1); x1 += speedxmain; x2 += speedxmain; x3 += speedxmain; s1x += speedxmain; s2x += speedxmain; hatx += speedxmain; if(x3 < ball3 ){ speedxmain = abs(speedxmain) * .75; } if(x3 > width-ball3){ speedxmain = abs(speedxmain) * -.75; } } else { //DEAD x1 += speedx1; y1 += speedy1; x2 += speedx2; y2 += speedy2; x3 += speedx3; y3 += speedy3; s1x += speedxstick1; s1y += speedystick1; s2x += speedxstick2; s2y += speedystick2; hatx += speedxhat; haty += speedyhat; speedy1 += GRAV; speedy2 += GRAV; speedy3 += GRAV; speedystick1 += GRAV; speedystick2 += GRAV; speedyhat += GRAV; } } void draw(){ stroke(0); strokeWeight(4); fill(255); ellipse(x1,y1,ball1,ball1); ellipse(x2,y2,ball2,ball2); ellipse(x3,y3,ball3,ball3); noStroke(); ellipse(x1,y1,ball1,ball1-1); ellipse(x2,y2,ball2,ball2-1); ellipse(x3,y3,ball3,ball3-1); // ellipse(x1,y1,ball1*.66,ball1*.66); //ellipse(x2,y2,ball2*.75,ball2*.75); //ellipse(x3,y3,ball3*.75,ball3*.75); strokeWeight(3); stroke(150,131,68); line(s1x,s1y, s1x-(ball2*.5),s1y+s1); line( s1x-(ball2*.5),s1y+s1,s1x-ball2,s1y+s2); line( s1x-(ball2*.5),s1y+s1,s1x-ball2,s1y+s3); line(s2x,s2y, s2x+(ball2*.5),s2y+s4); line( s2x+(ball2*.5),s2y+s4,s2x+ball2,s2y+s5); line( s2x+(ball2*.5),s2y+s4,s2x+ball2,s2y+s6); fill(0); stroke(0); rect(hatx - (hatsize/4), haty - hatsize*.75, hatsize/2, hatsize*.75); rect(hatx - (hatsize/2), haty, hatsize,hatsize/8); ellipse(x1-(ball1/4),y1-(ball1/6),2,2); ellipse(x1+(ball1/4),y1-(ball1/6),2,2); stroke(247,179,33); line(x1,y1,x1+nx,y1+ny); } }