Joking Hazard at a Distance (18+)
This is an as yet unauthorized "social distancing" version of the card game Joking Hazard. You should buy the original if you can find it! It is a much better game in person, but Zoom will do for now...
How it Works
Everyone logs in to this site using their own device (computer, tablet, phone)- and also joins the same video conference call. someone creates a new game and gives the 4 letter code to the other players.
Game Play
Game play is a bit similar to "Apples to Apples" or "Cards Against Humanity" but making three panel comics.
Everyone starts with a hand of seven comic panel cards The person who started the game will be the first judge. The deck picks the first card, the judge then chooses a card from their to hand to pair with it as the first or second panel. The other players anonymously pick a card from their hand to be the third panel. The judge then picks their favorite, and that player wins a point, and everyone's hand is refreshed with a card from the deck. (Players always have seven cards in their hand.)
Sometimes the deck plays a card with a red border - (red border cards are often hard to follow-up!) This launches a special round where everyone gets to exchange as many cards from their hand as they want for new cards. Then, everyone but the judge picks a first and second panel with the deck's card as a closer. The judge picks whose player's combo they like best, and that player gets two points.
Play continues until it stops. (Some prefer "first to three points wins ")
Tip Jar
If you dig this game, please consider hunting down a copy of the original!
Also you can toss into the tipjar: venmo (@Kirk-Israel-00) or paypal (@kirkjerk). Profits will go to New Orleans' Save Our Brass Culture Foundation.
(Mostly I just like the feedback! So you can also just email me at kirkjerk at gmail dot com.)