String greeting = "a holiday mission:"; String msg = "Hey, Happy Holidays! Merry Everything! It's a great time to be with the folks you care about and be grateful for the times we have here on Earth"; String lines[] = new String [30]; int linecount; import ddf.minim.*; PImage sig; plum m; gift boxes[]; boolean gameover = false; long wintime; long timestart; AudioPlayer music; movesprat star; int BOXCOUNT = 30; void setup(){ frameRate(30); size(400,400); try{ frame.setTitle("the sugardum fairy"); } catch(Exception e){ } textFont(loadFont("AlbaSuper-48.vlw"),24); ellipseMode(CENTER); sig = loadImage("sig.gif"); Minim.start(this); music = Minim.loadFile("grymg.mp3"); String[] words = msg.split(" "); for(int i = 0; i < words.length;i++){ words[i] += " "; } int lineptr = 0; lines[lineptr] = ""; for(int i = 0; i < words.length;i++){ String tryit = lines[lineptr] + words[i]; if(textWidth(tryit) > 380){ lineptr++; lines[lineptr] = words[i]; } else { lines[lineptr] += words[i]; } } linecount = lineptr + 1; startgame(); } void stop() { music.close(); super.stop(); } void startgame(){ timestart = millis(); //movesprat(int px,int py, String imgname, float pmass, float pfriction, float prebound){ star = new movesprat(int(random(300)),200,"star.gif",10.0,.99,.5); String[] plumlook = {"plum.gif","plumleft.gif","plumright.gif"}; m = new plum(220,230,plumlook,10,.99,.5); boxes = new gift[BOXCOUNT]; for(int i = 0; i < BOXCOUNT; i++){ boxes[i] = new gift((int)random(width),(int)random(height),(int)random(20)+20,(int)random(20)+20,10,.80,.5); } } int c; HashSet currentKeys = new HashSet(); void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){ currentKeys.add(new Integer(e.getKeyCode())); //println(e.getKeyCode()); if(e.getKeyCode() == 83){ if(!gameover){ gameover = true;; music.loop(); } } if(e.getKeyCode() == 32){ if(gameover){ noLoop(); gameover = false; startgame(); loop(); } m.jump(); } } void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){ currentKeys.remove(new Integer(e.getKeyCode())); } boolean isKeyDown(int c){ return currentKeys.contains(new Integer(c)); } gift heldBox = null; float heldXoff,heldYoff; void mousePressed(){ for(int i = 0; i < BOXCOUNT; i++){ gift thisbox = boxes[i]; if(thisbox.x <= mouseX && mouseX <= thisbox.x + thisbox.w){ if(thisbox.y <= mouseY && mouseY <= thisbox.y + thisbox.h){ heldBox = thisbox; heldXoff = thisbox.x - mouseX; heldYoff = thisbox.y - mouseY; return; } } } } int showjump; void mouseReleased(){ heldBox = null; } void mouseDragged(){ if(heldBox != null){ float newx = heldXoff + mouseX; float newy = heldBox.y = heldYoff + mouseY; heldBox.xs = 2*(newx - heldBox.x); heldBox.ys = 2*(newy - heldBox.y); heldBox.x = newx; heldBox.y = newy; } } boolean mGoLeft = false; void draw(){ if(random(10)< 1){ m.jump(); } if(random(100)< 1){ mGoLeft = !mGoLeft; m.xs *= -1; } if(mGoLeft){ m.xs -= .3; } else { m.xs += .3; } if(m.xs < 0){ m.changeframe(1); } else { m.changeframe(2); } //gravity m.ys += .2; for(int i = 0; i < BOXCOUNT; i++){ boxes[i].ys += 1; } m.move(); for(int i = 0; i < BOXCOUNT; i++){ boxes[i].move(); } m.bounds(); for(int i = 0; i < BOXCOUNT; i++){ boxes[i].bounds(true); } c++; if(c % 50 == 0){ // m.changeframe(m.currentframe==0?1:0); } for(int i = 0; i < BOXCOUNT; i++){ if(m.overlap(boxes[i],true)){ m.collide(boxes[i]); } } //round robin collisions... for(int i = 0; i < BOXCOUNT; i++){ for(int j = i+1; j < BOXCOUNT; j++){ if(boxes[i].overlap(boxes[j],true)){ boxes[i].collide(boxes[j]); } } } for(int i = 0; i < BOXCOUNT; i++){ boxes[i].bounds(true); } if(m.ys < -5){ // m.changeframe(0); } background(128); for(int i = 0; i < BOXCOUNT; i++){ boxes[i].draw(); } m.draw(); for(int i = 0; i < BOXCOUNT; i++){ boxes[i].drawBow(); } star.draw(); if(star.overlap(m) && ! gameover){ gameover = true;; music.loop(); wintime = ((millis()-timestart)/1000); } if(! gameover){ fill(0); fill(128,0,0); text(greeting,10,30); fill(0,128,0); text("help the sugardum fairy",10,60); fill(128,0,0); text("get to the star",30,90); fill(0,128,0); text("by mouse moving gifts!",30,120); fill(128,0,0); text("(or cheat and press 's' to skip)",30,150); fill(0,128,0); text("time: "+((millis()-timestart)/1000),30,180); } else { fill(0,0,0); int i = 0; for(i = 0; i < linecount; i++){ text(lines[i],10,30+i*30); } i++; if(wintime != 0) {text("your time:"+wintime,10,30+i*30);} image(sig,250,i*30); i++; text("space to play again!",10,30+i*30); } } //------------------------------------------ class movesprat extends sprat { float xs, ys; float mass,friction, rebound; //pmass = mass, pfriction is multipler to speed per frame, rebound is multiplier of speed on wall/floor collision movesprat(int px,int py, String imgname, float pmass, float pfriction, float prebound){ super(px,py,imgname); friction = pfriction; mass = pmass; rebound = prebound; } movesprat(int px,int py, String[] imgname, float pmass, float pfriction, float prebound){ super(px,py,imgname); friction = pfriction; mass = pmass; rebound = prebound; } void collide(movesprat o){ float temp; temp = o.xs; o.xs = xs; xs = temp; temp = o.ys; o.ys = ys; ys = temp; nonoverlap(o); } void nonoverlap(movesprat o){ //figure out which overlap is less, and make that the point where they push out float hlap = spratOverlapHoriz(o).magnitude(); float vlap = spratOverlapVert(o).magnitude(); if(hlap < vlap){ if(x < o.x){ x -= hlap / 2.0; o.x += hlap / 2.0; } else { x += hlap / 2.0; o.x -= hlap / 2.0; } } else { if(y < o.y){ if(o.y + o.h >= height){ o.y = height - o.h; y = o.y - h; } else { y -= hlap / 2.0; o.y += hlap / 2.0; } } else { if(y + h >= height){ y = height - h; o.y = y - o.h; } else { y += hlap / 2.0; o.y -= hlap / 2.0; } } } } void move(){ xs *= friction; ys *= friction; x += xs; y += ys; } void bounds(boolean b){ bounds(); } void bounds(){ if(x < 0) { x = 0; xs = abs(xs) * rebound; } if(x+w > width) { x = width-w; xs = abs(xs) * -rebound; } if(y < 0) { y = 0; ys = abs(ys) * rebound; } if(y+h > height) { // print("ys is "+ys); y = height-h; ys = abs(ys) * -rebound; } } } class sprat{ float x,y; int w,h; int framecount; int currentframe; PImage img[]; sprat(int px,int py, String imgname){ String s[] = new String[1]; s[0] = imgname; init(px,py,s); } sprat(int px,int py, String[] imgname){ init(px,py,imgname); } void init (int px,int py, String[] imgname){ x = px; y = py; img = new PImage[imgname.length]; for(int i = 0; i < imgname.length; i++){ img[i] = loadImage(imgname[i]); } changeframe(0); } void changeframe(int whatframe){ currentframe = whatframe; w = img[currentframe].width; h = img[currentframe].height; } void draw(){ image(img[currentframe],x,y); } //so we have a physical x and y on screen //find the pixel for this thing //WARNING no bounds checking color pixelAtPhysicalLocation(int px, int py){ int rx = px - int(x); int ry = py - int(y); return img[currentframe].pixels[rx + (ry * w)]; } boolean overlap(sprat other){ return overlap(other, false); } boolean overlap(sprat other, boolean boxonly){ intRange vOverlap = spratOverlapVert(other); intRange hOverlap = spratOverlapHoriz(other); if(vOverlap == null || hOverlap == null){ return false; } if(boxonly) return true; //hrrm, why couldn't this be <= ???? for(int a = hOverlap.min; a < hOverlap.max; a++){ for(int b = vOverlap.min; b < vOverlap.max; b++){ if(alpha(this.pixelAtPhysicalLocation(a,b)) > 128 && alpha(other.pixelAtPhysicalLocation(a,b)) > 128 ){ return true; } } } return false; } // to see if things overlap on one dimension // we sort the 4 points. if both points of // one thing are lesser than both points of the other, // they can't be overlapping... intRange spratOverlapHoriz(sprat b){ sprat a = this; intWithRef vals[] = new intWithRef[4]; vals[0] = new intWithRef((int)a.x,a); vals[1] = new intWithRef((int)(a.x+a.w),a); vals[2] = new intWithRef((int)b.x,b); vals[3] = new intWithRef((int)(b.x+b.w),b); Arrays.sort(vals); if (vals[0].src == vals[1].src){ return null; } return new intRange(vals[1].val,vals[2].val); } intRange spratOverlapVert(sprat b){ sprat a = this; intWithRef vals[] = new intWithRef[4]; vals[0] = new intWithRef((int)a.y,a); vals[1] = new intWithRef((int)(a.y+a.h),a); vals[2] = new intWithRef((int)b.y,b); vals[3] = new intWithRef((int)(b.y+b.h),b); Arrays.sort(vals); if (vals[0].src == vals[1].src){ return null; } return new intRange(vals[1].val,vals[2].val); } } class intRange{ int min, max; intRange(int p1, int p2){ min = p1p2?p1:p2; } int magnitude(){ return abs(max-min) ; } } class intWithRef implements Comparable{ int val; Object src; intWithRef(int pval,Object psrc){ val = pval; src = psrc; } public int compareTo(Object o){ return val - ((intWithRef)o).val; } } class gift extends movesprat { color color1,color2; gift(int px,int py, int pw, int ph, float pmass, float pfriction, float prebound){ super(px,py,"lin.gif",pmass,pfriction,prebound); x = px; y = py; w = pw; h = ph; friction = pfriction; mass = pmass; rebound = prebound; color1 = color(random(255),random(255),random(255)); color2 = color(random(255),random(255),random(255)); } void draw(){ noStroke(); fill(color1); rect(x,y,w,h); fill(color2); rect(x+(w*3/8),y,w/4,h); rect(x,y+(h*3/8),w,h/4); } void drawBow(){ noStroke(); fill(color2); float r = w / 4; ellipse(x+(w/2),y-(r*.5),r,r); } } class plum extends movesprat{ void collide(movesprat o){ nonoverlap(o); } plum(int px,int py, String[] imgname, float pmass, float pfriction, float prebound){ super(px,py, imgname, pmass, pfriction, prebound); } void jump(){ //if on floor jump if(y+h >= height -2){ ys = 15; } for(int i = 0; i < BOXCOUNT; i++){ if( spratOverlapHoriz(boxes[i]) != null){ if(y+h >= boxes[i].y - 20){ ys = 15; } } } } }