fridge id
FoSO...I wonder if there are any foolish little bits of consumer electronics that might fit the bill. But that's my answer to everything. 

A really good book?
--Kirk Mon Dec 20 13:26:31 2004
IMDB has a couple of movies that say "Let's blow this pop stand:" "Nightmare on Elm Street 5" and "Rancho Deluxe," from '89 and '75 respectively. The Urban Dictionary has an explanation that makes less sense than a literal interpretation.'s+blow+this+popsicle+stand!

But I do not know where it's from.
--LAN3 Mon Dec 20 15:08:57 2004
k, see why the sidebar needs it's own comment section? what are you going to do about it?
--FoSO Mon Dec 20 15:22:21 2004
The first time I ever heard the phrase was way back in the '80s, when Robin Williams used it in a stand-up comedy routine.
--JohnFen Mon Dec 20 19:03:08 2004
FoSO, I see you have an SO about this....maybe I'll try to work on it....
--Kirk Mon Dec 20 22:53:06 2004
I've been hearing it for 40 odd years as "Let's blow this popcorn stand", in western,MA and eastern,PA.
--xoxoxo Bruce Tue Dec 21 18:35:36 2004

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