button it
And nobody thought to salvage and move the plumbing fixtures?

Particularly, toilets from the pre-low-flow era. Porcelain gold, those are.
--Nick B Sun Jul 16 21:01:15 2006
Well, I'm not sure if that was on the radar in 1981...
--Kirk Sun Jul 16 22:11:55 2006
Why is the Someday in trouble? The article to which you linked doesn't say anything about it.
--Cordelia Mon Jul 17 11:34:43 2006
Sorry, I've updated the post w/ this link:
Problems w/ the landlord.
--Kirk Mon Jul 17 12:16:26 2006
Though I guess things are taking a turn for the better for it:

I think as much as anything I like the name... if it was only Starbucks there and not Diesel I would be more up in arms.
--Kirk Mon Jul 17 12:20:09 2006

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