go whoopi!
Evil b.'s sidebar is so deep I don't want to change it. Here is a bullet point review of my life, just to catch up my pals.
-layoffs at work make me nervous
-stye on my right eye is annoying me
-my company didn't win an Emmy (curse you Amazing Race!)
-dating a guy from Boston (!) can't believe I have stye now
-bleached my hair and put in purple highlights
-Mom's house is foreclosed
-downtown L.A. invaded by migrating swallows that bedded down for the night in any open window they could find.
-still on night shift
-realized 90's music is played on radio as retro
-Watched Lost seasons 1 & 2 on dvd, getting more pissed every episode.
-went to Griffith Park Observatory, saw moon thru the big telescope on the roof
-My cat Misu is 15 now and says hi

--ErinMaru Fri Sep 28 06:00:54 2007
Season 3 of Lost gets better. The show gets redeemed.
--The_Lex Fri Sep 28 09:09:46 2007
Woo, some mixed times there. Hope the things work out for the best...
--Kirk Fri Sep 28 10:06:28 2007

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