so much beauty in the world
I strongly advise not to see a career advisor. They'll just have you take Myers-Briggs and all types of other tests to "determine" what industry you should go into (and probably reach the conclusion that you should stay in your current industry or something). . .then they'll try to help you interview better, have a better resume, etc. etc. and charge you at least a $1,000 for the service. At least, that's what happened to me. . .when I probably should have seeked counsel from an education or life counselor, probably the life counselor or whatever they're called these days.

In the long run, you probably should do some self exploration and introspection to figure out what you want out of life and so forth before interviewing people on some decision-making formal process.

Sounds like you're kind of more going along with urges and pressures from what people expect of you rather than you thinking about what you want.
--The_Lex Tue Jun 17 13:20:07 2008
Heh, advising me to be More Introspective? Never thought I'd hear that advise!

In my case, I don't think it's outside expectations and pressures... in fact my Aunt would be pretty clear not to do that. I mean, there's a small element of "education=good", but that's about it.

Really, the core problem is the classic conflict between what I'd like to do, and what I can get paid to do... among the recognitions that I've been making decent money, but my salary has plateaued a bit, that I haven't saved ALL that much, considering, that I value the creation of small digital things that I don't expect to be able to make money at, that there might be jobs out there that come closer to the digital things I do for fun, if only I could figure out what they are and how to get there...

--Kirk Tue Jun 17 13:29:32 2008
Then it sounds like you've got two things you might want to do now:

1) See a financial coach and/or financial adviser. The adviser to help invest your savings well, and the coach to help inspire you to save!

2) Do some industry research into the needs for little digitally things in the marketplace then see how you fill that need, how you prove that you fill that need to make little digitally things and/or possibly market your skill to make small digitally things to the right people.

3) If there's no need for small digitally things, do industry research into things similar to small digitally things. That would probably involve networking, browsing the 'net, reading industry journals, etc. etc.
--The_Lex Tue Jun 17 14:40:36 2008
I read the excerpt of JK Rowling's speech about her work for Amnesty Int'l, and I've got to say that her account spoke better of and for the agency than any other I've ever read or heard, including those from the Agency itself.
--LAN3 Tue Jun 17 22:28:33 2008
Now that I've read the whole thing, well, damn, it's a great speech. Couple of great little jokes and both ends, a solid callback in case your mind wanders away from the start. I hope she writes some adult fiction, or even some non-fiction someday, based on her experiences. 
--LAN3 Tue Jun 17 22:43:36 2008

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