sidebar 2006.06.11
Leslee and I just chatted, and visitors are welcome. Catherine will most likely be unavailable for direct coddling, but Leslee likes to have visitors.
----EB Sun Jun 11 08:53:36 2006
Everything sounds so great!
--The_Lex Sun Jun 11 22:07:24 2006
we'll visit soon! i love the light therapy photo, it's so futuristic looking. future baby!
--FoSO Mon Jun 12 13:23:15 2006
I'm a great proponent of giving birth at the hospital. My son had pneumo-thorax, which meant he had trouble breathing on his own. It was amazing how quickly the nurses figured out something wasn't right and moved him into the ICU so he could be put in an O2 chamber until he was able to breathe on his own. (Like jaundice, it's a temporary condition when treated.)
--ericball Tue Jun 13 12:49:23 2006
Congratulations, Evil B.! A very close friend of mine has had 3 kids since I've known her, and she has given me an incredible education on C-section rates at the various local hospitals, and at the same time I'm aware of the sort of defensive medicine performed by many doctors, primarily those with high malpractice-insurance costs such as Anesthesiologists and Ob/Gyn. It's an unpleasant calculation, I can appreciate, but I think that as long as you've got a medical team that made every effort to go natural and, in view of present facts, decided on the C-section, well, you did a wise thing to surrender to their expertise, and it sounds like the result was nearly ideal. May it be the first of very many wise things you impart on your daughter and, for that matter, the wisdom to govern your restraint.
--LAN3 Wed Jun 14 03:07:57 2006