#1 Gun
#2 MachineGun
#3 Bazooka
#4 FlameThrower
#5 Ray Gun
#6 SoapBubbleGun
#7 Anesthesia Gun
#8 Marking Missile
#9 3-WayShotgun
#10 5-Way Shotgun
#11 Beam Gun
#12 Powerful Buster
#13 Arm Gun
#14 Fire Rod
#15 Ice Rod
#16 Thunder Rod
#17 Magic Rod
#18 Scarecrow Rod
#19 Strange Rod
#20 Medusa
#21 Loudspeaker
#22 Sticky Spray
#23 Trumpet
#24 Fire-Bottle
#25 Small Bomb
#26 MediumBomb
#27 LargeBomb
#28 Leg Weight
#29 Fireworks
#30 Hand Grenade
#31 Iron Pipe
#32 Fan
#33 Frozen Tuna
#34 MetallicBat
#35 Giant Racket
#36 Magic Stick
#37 Magma Lance
#38 DevilSickle
#39 Morning Star
#40 Sword
#41 Power Sword
#42 Blazing Sword
#43 Ice Sword
#44 Thunder Sword
#45 Beam Sword
#46 Dragon Slayer Sword
#47 Sword of Legend
#48 Hammer
#49 Toy Hammer
#50 Pickaxe
#51 Beating Mallet
#52 100t Hammer
#53 Umbrella
#54 Splendid Umbrella
#55 Straw Umbrella
#56 Spear
#57 Splendid Spear
#58 Trident
#59 Splendid Trident
#60 Fork
#61 Spoon
#62 Battle Axe
#63 Victory Axe
#64 Normal Axe
#65 Hero Axe
#66 Skateboard
#67 In-Line Skates
#68 Scooter
#69 Apple
#70 Shortcake
#71 Meat
#72 Omusubi
#73 Banana
#74 Hamburger
#75 Cheese
#76 Roast Chicken
#77 Roast Pig
#78 Wedding Cake
#79 Angel Wings
#80 Devil Wings
#81 Power Shield
#82 Splendid Shield
#83 Right Medicine
#84 Invisibility Potion
#85 Kitten
#86 Panther
#87 Fire Dragon
#88 Ice Dragon
#89 Sand Dragon
#90 Takenoko
#91 Thumbtack
#92 Bear Trap
#93 Trap Hoop
#94 Beehive
#95 Sticky Bomb
#96 Typhoon
#97 Fireworks Pipe
#98 Meteorite
#99 Adult Magazine
#100 Weekly Power Stone
#101 Rabbit Ears
#102 Cat Ears
#103 Crown
#104 Silk Hat
#105 Straw Hat
#106 Party Hat
#107 Flower
#108 Emperor's Crown
#109 Rabbit Paws
#110 Cat Paws
#111 Bracelet
#112 Punch Glove
#113 Rabbit Tail
#114 Cat Tail
#115 Devil Tail
#116 Windup Key
#117 Rabbit Foot
#118 Cat Foot
#119 Athelete Foot
#120 Bandages
#121 Light Stone
@1 Fire Material
@2 Water Material
@3 Electricity Material
@4 Light Material
@5 Magic Material
@6 Trap Material
@7 Oil
@8 Medicine
@9 Wheel
@10 Wood Material
@11 Cloth
@12 Gunpowder
@13 Gold
@14 Iron
@15 Scrap
@16 Fire Dragon Extract
@17 Ice Dragon Extract
@18 Sand Dragon Extract
@19 Driver's License
@20 Circle of Angels
@21 Proof of a Hero
@22 Book of Legend
Put checks next to the items and ingredients
that you currently own. Then hit 'Submit' to
see what other items you can by mixing them.