wheel... of... emotion!


--Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions, from Wikipedia's page on List of Emotions. Started wondering about this when I read about Graham Mann's attempts to make programs that have emotion.
http://www.slate.com/id/2267815 - Wrestler Mick Foley <3s Tori Amos. (like http://music.ign.com/articles/691/691277p1.html - DMC <3s Sarah McLaughlin...)
http://www.slate.com/id/2268833/ - "America fights while China does business"
Seems like anti-<table> folk aspire to moving all layout to .css files (not HTML). But the <div>s need css hacks and/or awkward html anyway!
http://is.gd/fCoWX - the country has gone nuts. AT+T can claim that it, a company, has a Right to Privacy? For reals? Sweet jimminy.
http://js1k.com/home - 1K Javascript is kinda amazing!
"Trickle down economics" is hereby renamed "homeopathic wealth distribution".

http://www.enlightennext.org/magazine/j44/lachman.asp - what to do when it's 2013 and the world's still here...
Grr. I wonder if Apple is deliberately not including any photo album management on the iPhone itself to be released later...
http://www.homedics.com/products/ceramic-tile-digital-scale.html - Amber and I bought this ceramic tile scale. Odd blend of stone and technology, like William Gibson's Idoru "sandbenders"