Kirk Israel's commonplace and blog. Quotes and links daily since 2001.

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(mighta posted it before but damn)
An old UK advert had Captain Kirk Genderswap in a Transporter incident? I guess that's why they call it a Tra - oh never mind.
Certitude is seized by some minds, not because there is any philosophical justification for it, but because such minds have an emotional need for certitude.

Another year, another week up at Lake George with my bestie Dylan... we're trying to find a good name for a truly pleasant aquatic passtime - straddle a pool noodle like it's a rocking horse, and then kinda swim/tread over to a nearby dock, then go back. Compared to just swimming, it's so lovely, because you can keep up a conversation. We're thinking of branding it "water-walking". Maybe "water-walk-and-talk".

(Ok probably not the first people in the world to come up with this but still.)
LOL Trump did not take a bullet for democracy, he took a bullet for lack of gun control, duh.

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