- I never did get around to robocode, where you build a virtual robot in Java and send it into gladiator style games...I remember playing a similar game called Omega, where you bought tank hardware and wrote its software. I quickly found out a good beginning strategy is to just sit and scan and let the enemy tank come to you, so I ended up punching above my weight and got stuck at a plateau.
- The Time Travel Fund wants you to store a little money now, so the interest will pay for someone to travel back in time and bring you into the future.
- Net Memes Metanostalgia: last July, the NY Time was asking What Happened to that 'I Kiss You' Guy?
- Dan Bricklin on What Will People Pay For? (Answer: "Regular people are willing to pay money to interact with people they care about.")
As her tears blurred his receding figure into a ghostly memory, she realized how thoroughly he had broken her heart, like a steamroller grinding the shards of a perfume bottle into splintered, dusty oblivion, at least as much as one can 'break' a squishy organ composed of 70% water by weight; heck, let's be honest, you can no more break a heart than you can perform an appendectomy with a spoon, which is perhaps a better analogy for her pain in the first place.
- Someone once recommended Krista Smash!, women's weightlifting links 'n' lessons, useful for beginners in general, not just women in particular. It's pretty amusing, especially the opening page.
- I have no idea why I grabbed a link to Anthony Campbell's Home Page.
- I was entertained by the idea of online female domination [R link, though I didn't notice any nudity]...getting people to send you money by commanding them to is kind of amusing. "Get to PayPal right now you little worm!"
- Salon on the impact of Air Jordans. Never like Air Jordans per se, but in high school I went through a series of huge chunky high tops, generally black and white. One of them where Adidas, just like Run DMC sang about "they're black and white, white with black stripe / the ones I like to wear when I rock the mic". That was totally me, except for the bit about the mic-rocking.
- Somethingawful's ROM Pit...where old video games come to die and be mocked mercilessly.