- Funny Flash Novelty: let your mouse pointer be a housefly bothering this man to a high degree.
- I've always found the idea of eyetracking interesting, though they're missing out on some of the more fun applications, like where and for how long a straight guy looks at a cute female type person.
- Via Bill, an article on The Ten Most Hated Men in Rock (Besides Sting).
- Sick joke:
What's funnier than a dead baby?
A dead baby in a clown costume!
(Hmm, I remember Mo being really into those 'dead baby' jokes...) Worth1000 seems to always be having the most fascinating photoshopping contests all the time, but I only bother to look when BoingBoing points 'em out. Nightmares 4 had some really spooky stuff like this vision of Paris...
- Eggcorns is the name given to little malapropisms that seem to show up in culture over and over, like "wedding vowels". I wonder if "mute point" counts as one...I saw that in today's church bulletin.
- An engineer who surived Chernobyl. Amazing.
- Boingboing quoted a blogger named Jefferson: "They took the trace from a person carrying a GPS unit around with him for a month. With no hand labelling of the data, they were able to build a model of the person's travel behavior including frequent destinations (work, home, grocery friends homes), and modes of transportation (bus vs. walking). With new data, the model can predict, on-line, the traveler's most likely destination, and detect 'unknown activities' (e.g. strange behavior)." -- here's the Paper he's talking about.
- My blogger code:
B9 d++ t++ k s+ u- f++ i o x+ e l c-
decode it or create your own. - Some articles on various Java Technologies...I'm probably a little behind in some of those. Also theserverside.com has a lot of good content, as does this blog.