lying, which war robe?

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I just finished "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe"...I've had a boxed set of all 7 "Narnia" books for the longest time, but, like my reaction to Asimov's Foundation trilogy, something about it intimidated me when I was a kid, and I never got around to tackling them since. Probably a preview for the upcoming movie adapation got me to look at them again.

My question is this: the entire book is a pretty clear metaphor for Jesus' death and then the battles of Revelation. There are a lot of things that map pretty clearly to the Christian life and the detail, though...there's this "other lion", a statue in the Witch's courtyard that Aslan frees, that says stuff like "Did you hear what he said? Us lions. That means him and me. Us lions." It seems like this lion (that Edmund previously assumed was the statuefied Aslan) is a metaphor for something, but I have no idea what. Anyone remember and care to guess?

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Slate on the meaning of sunglasses. I love my current prescription pairs almost as much as the convenience of my old plastic is just the classic way to go.

Also a good photo-essay on the snapshot art of Lee Friedlander. I know I risk sounding like a total Plebe or Rube or whatever when I say this, but does my lack of care about lenses and exposure time and what not prevent my photos from being "art"? (Not "good art", but still...) People are so dismissive of "just snapshots" but I dunno...give a little thought to subject matter and framing and keep an eye open for interesting light conditions and what not, and it certainly feels like it starts to approach "art"...seems like it ain't rocket science, or at least it doesn't have to be.

Quote of the Moment
The little girl expects no declaration of tenderness from her doll. She loves it -- and that's all. It is thus that we should love.