It's an interesting read (though they generally aren't sounding stereotypically "surreal") but a lot of it comes across like this:
RAYMOND QUENEAU Péret?I kept think of the Loony Tunes "Goofy Gophers"... "After you!" "No, after you!" "After you, I insist!" "Nononono, after you!"
BENJAMIN PÉRET I always follow the woman's preference. I always ask what she prefers.
RAYMOND QUENEAU I agree with Péret.
JACQUES PRÉVERT I share Breton's view.
MAX MORISE It is a matter of whatever is mutually agreeable.
PIERRE UNIK Like Péret, I always ask the woman what she prefers.
Still, I ended up liking Man Ray even more than I did before, though he was only in one of the discussions:
ANDREÉ BRETON Does the man have any comparable way of recognizing the woman's orgasm?But my favorite bit was the following exchange...
MAN RAY The woman is strongly aware of the precise moment of orgasm in the man. But the man has nothing to go on except for the woman's lassitude.
ANDREÉ BRETON And if this lassitude is simulated?
MAN RAY Too bad for the woman! I go along with her act.
ANDREÉ BRETON A fanciful question: Péret finds all the women with whom he has had sexual relations assembled together, in a café for example, with the one he loved or believed he loved standing apart. What would he do?They seem kind of preoccupied about simultaneous orgasm. (Maybe because of the times they give for how long it takes once the preliminaries are done... "five minutes", "five minutes", "twenty seconds maximum" "Less than a minute", "Two minutes", and "between fifteen and forty seconds")
BENJAMIN PÉRET Run for my life.
The other question that caught my attention was if they had had sex with a woman who had since died, and if that brought on pangs of remorse. As far as I know all my former lovers are still around, but it's an oddly disquieting thought.
Article of the Moment
Could we have accidentally nuked Jupiter by letting the plutonium-packing Galileo satellite crash into its crushing depths? (Or as loquacious put it on metafilter, "All these worlds are yours, save Europa. Attempt no landings he...llo! What the hell is wrong with you!? Did you just nuke Jupiter?")
Passing of the Moment
RIP Kurt Vonnegut. Kurt is up in Heaven now.
Damn, but did he write some good stuff. "Cat's Cradle" with its pseudocult of Bokononism is something I could really get behind.
I think I need to reread his recent "Timequake".