
(1 comment)
Bleh. Enough of a cold and a sore back that I think I'm staying in today.

The cool part is the synergy the two conditions make-- "ACHOO! Oww I wish I hadn't done that."

Video of the Moment

--NickB forwarded me a facebook reference to the premier of "A Briefcase Full of Knives". Given that the premiering theater was, literally, about 4 doors down from me it would seem mean-spirited not to go. There was a selection of local shorts first, mostly comedy, and the mini-film itself was good, silly comedy and a hint of working class angst.

Game of the Moment
Strangely compelling puzzle Chat Noir - you get to block one hex, and the cat gets to move one hex, and you try to prevent the cat from escaping. Fairly easy, but not absolutely trivial, once you get the trick.