

--At the risk of helping to make "Idiocracy's" Ow My Balls a reality, some of these made me giggle.
Man, last night before sunset, the crazy humid pre-rain warmth-- totally trips my nostalgia switch. Want it to be the evening of my life.
Democrats: the political grownups. Neocons, Birthers, Teapartiers, Trump, get outta here with that stuff.
There's some right resentment how we still have wars but no war protests; but 1/2 the protest was against getting us *into* these messes.
Whoa, I'm gonna be in Germany for this whole May 21 Apocalypse thing. Sweet.
On the other hand a May 21 Apocalypse makes for a great http://glorioustrainwrecks.com/ Klik of the Month Klub theme, AMIRITE?
"Oh, it's on. It Is On. It is ON LIKE FROGGER. err, donkey kong."
Trump gloats about the certificate. You know, beyond the hairpiece, beyond how he somehow takes credit for the certificate while still blaming the press for it, I can't get over how his jowls flow over his too-tight shirt collar.
Sometimes I wish the northeast had a more hug-ish cultural. Little awkward waves and smiles and nods just aren't as humane.