javadvent day 21

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Wow. 8:45 and I'm already typing ("entitlement"=="Assessments") instead of (item.entitlement=="Assessments"). Gonna be a long day.
"How can you sex up the gift of a coffee grinder?"
"Try saying 'now you got the grind, I'll bring the bump?'"
"...hmm, maybe."

I saw mommy shaking Santa Claus' hand / but in a meaningful way

Jingle bells / jingle bells / jingle at least most of the way

Frosty / the Snowman / was inert

Rudoph / the damp-nosed reindeer / had a rather damp nose

Bittersweet contentment to the world!

O the weather outside is frightful / I hope the god damn furnace guy gets here soon

I'm dreaming / of a ... Christmas / without so many wolves in it

Silent night / shut up.

It came upon the midnight overcast

I'll be home for Christmas / that's what "house arrest" means
12 minutes of fail for your holiday schadenfreude needs. The driver at 7:46 is one of the subtlest and best.
Deregulate. 4 months later, a coordinated "Bear Raid" crashes your economy. Conclusion: Duh.