
advent day 21
Oh man they just released GTA:San Andreas for IOS. So much for a productive holiday break- suspect I will like GTA:SA more than GTAV.
Man, UPS sucks. They left a "sorry we missed you" tag, but we THINK it's the package that got handed off to some neighbors and got to us fine... but the "InfoNotice" number on the tag just isn't recognized on the website. And then the "livechat" feature on their website is closed. For the weekend I guess? The weekend before Christmas? Way to go, guys. You win at internet.
Plus, trying to click Lowes' "Make This Your Store" on their Store Locator leads to "You have attempted to execute an action which our server has flagged as malicious." Genius! Now I don't feel so bad for all the stupid things I've done as a (cough) professional software engineer.
Baby Got Back: An Oral History