
So, congrats terror dudes. On the one hand, organizations are going to be less likely to show images of Mohammed - but companies were already censoring that, out of politeness or fear. But millions and millions of people are going to google up those Charlie Hebdo covers and have a good look... people who had never heard of the magazine before.
Nerf slow-motion fun at work! Love the sound of it:

So, played a little rough with my bike this morning - I think the fact that yesterday's powdery snow wasn't slippery over the dirt path made me fail to think about it on the wooden bridge near Alewife, you know, the one with that 90 degree turn... no visible injuries but tenderness and a bit of pain on deep breaths on the side I landed on. I assume this is a "wait and see" kind of thing, like if it doesn't get better after a day or two or what not. (Man I'm such a delicate flower ;-)