
Her name was Danuta Danielsson and she was originally from Poland. Her parents died in a concentration camp. The nazi was later found guilty of murdering a homosexual man. --via http://dogscantlookup.com/post/117158123091/combatbootsoftolerance-sonounsoffione-a-woman that talks about the controversies of proposing a statue in her honor.
The Fear Will Never Go Away As I Continue to GrowContinuing this self-help book kick I've been on. Not quite as tuned for my needs as the Albert Ellis, but certainly compatible in outlook, and with some useful thoughts even if I don't embrace it mantra-wise.
This concept is good though... if I'm a little nervous and anxious as I go through my day, that's a sign I'm doing it right. If I retreat to the low hanging fruits only, that's not so good.
http://pando.com/2015/04/19/the-war-nerd-the-art-of-turf-war/ - The War Nerd on turf war. Major, "low-level" ethnic war is happening in South Africa. Gary Breecher's realpolitik view takes such a richer, more informed view of what's going on than the simplifications, and frankly, disinterest of mass media.
Like if you want to understand the situation in Yemen