symathy for the zombie

The post-apocalypse, in popular culture, often represents a macho libertarian fantasy. There's no government! Finally, we can break out the family guns. What's the appeal of the now-prolific 'zombie apocalypse' genre other than that it provides a backdrop against which Ordinary Americans can justify shooting tons and tons of people?
anna anthropy, "Love, Twine, and the End of the World", in the excellent collection The State of Play.
I remember Ksenia had more sympathy for the zombies in those movies than I was ready to think about at that time...
Every year, white people add a hundred years to how long ago slavery was. I've heard educated white people say that slavery was 400 years ago. No, it very much wasn't. It was a 140 years ago. That's two seventy-year-old ladies living and dying back to back. That's how recently you could buy a guy.
Louis CK

Why So Few Violent Games - I've liked this little turnabout essay for a long time