the tao of ui

Rant at work: "@##!@# Somehow I used some magic gesture on my touchpad, and now Slack is zoomed in - but its not the normal zoom I can adjust with cmd-+ and cmd-- and cmd-0 ; instead it's just decided that slack should be in a magic window that I can pan back and forth with two finger swiping, but I have no idea of how to make everything fit" (restarting Slack seemed to fix it though it felt like I had to do so twice.)

Gestures where an errant side of a finger creates radical behaviors violates this part of Tao of Programming: `A program should follow the "Law of Least Astonishment". What is this law? It is simply that the program should always respond to the user in the way that astonishes him least.`

BTW, the Tao of Programming is brilliant - it's weirdly authentic, like I've seen other things that parody the form of the Tao Te Ching but they generally don't also say smart things about their subject matter....
Get your cinema nerd on about technicolor and the Wizard of Oz
Last night in a dream I had a very specific wine recommendation:
keenan spruce ronan wine (white)
I... don't think that's a thing?