“There’s no mo’ chicken left, Willie. Why don’t you offer her something she can get?” “Well there was some chicken there when Ah passed the table a little while ago.” “Oh, so you offerin’ her some chicken was. She can’t eat that. What she want is some chicken is.”
"Love is a funny thing; love is a blossom. If you want yo’ finger bit poke it at a possum.”
Stepped on a pin, de pin bent And dat’s de way de story went.
Ace means the first time that Ah met you, Deuce means there was nobody there but us two, Trey means the third party, Charlie was his name, Four spot means the fourth time you tried dat same ole game, Five spot is five years you played me for a clown, Six spot, six feet of earth when de deal goes down, Now, Ahm holdin’ de seben spot for each day in de week, Eight spot, eight hours you sheba-ed wid yo’ sheik, Nine spot means nine hours Ah work hard every day, Ten spot de tenth of every month Ah brought you home mah pay, De Jack is Three Card Charlie who played me for a goat, De Queen, dat’s you, pretty mama, also tryin’ tuh cut mah throat, De King, dat hot papa Nunkie, and he’s gointer wear de crown, So be keerful y’all ain’t broke when de deal goes down.
every woman in this pic tho